pictus cats for a 55 gal

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pictus cats for a 55 gal

Post by ellagor »

I currently have a 55 gal set up with the fish shown in my signiture. I was wondering if a single pictus cat would do alright in this tank. I am new to catfish, so I don't really know anything about them. If anyone has any other suggestions for catfish in the tank, I would appreciate them. Thanks for any advice.
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Post by magnum4 »

looks pretty full to me. i wouldn't put a catfish in there because the choices we are left with are all "big" and you would risk overloading, looks like its time for a bigger tank.
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Post by ellagor »

Would some kind of pleco work? I know bristlenose are a good size for a smaller tank like this. Do you think that one would work in this tank? I wont be upgrading to a larger tank for at least a few years.
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Post by magnum4 »

my info on dwarf pike cichlids is limited, but from the size of your fish i wouldn't put a bristlenose in. be scared s*i+les for a start.
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Post by ellagor »

Well, my severum really doesn't bother any of the other fish in the tank and the other fish are too small to scare anything. I'm sure a bristlenose or other catfish would be intimidated at first but after awhile wouldn't it realize the severum really isn't a threat?
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Post by Silurus »

While you can certainly put a bristlenose in there right now, your tank will become awfully crowded once the fish are full-grown (which could be a matter of months).
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Post by Jools »

magnum4 wrote:my info on dwarf pike c*****ds is limited, but from the size of your fish i wouldn't put a bristlenose in. be scared s*i+les for a start.
Dwarf pikes co-exist with Bristlenoses and Chaetostoma in the wild, I have some in with my pike that I collected in Venezuela. No problem there, just you are going to have cichlid soup in the not too distant future due to the adult size of the severum.

What about trading in the severum for a 2 or 3 pictus? At least they will grow more slowly...

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Post by ellagor »

I have already had the severum for about 3 years and I don't really think he is going to grow all that much more. I think the acara should grow to about 7-8". The pike is a dwarf, so it shouldn't get all that big. Anyway, let me know what you think, but I doubt my severum will grow much more.
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another excuse to buy more fish?

Post by magnum4 »

thanks for that jools i do like the look of the xingu pike cichlid, crenicichla sp. the only info i,ve got was from pfk and it said "will eat anything they can get in their mouths". have you any experience with this species.
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Post by ellagor »

I have done some research on pikes in hopes of getting a definate ID on my pike and here is a site with some info on the Xingu I species. It has some pretty good info and a couple of pics. http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/549 ... 1page.html hope it helps.
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