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Are you guys sure? I'm not at all an expert, but that doesn't look anything like a Peckoltia to me.
-- Disclaimer: All I write is strictly my personal and frequently uninformed opinion, I do not speak for the Swedish Museum of Natural History or FishBase! --
I'm not sure, this is probably not a Peckoltia species... I think it's a Hemiancistrus/Ancistomus species but don't know which one, it's not P. oligospila.
this fish is L-75 known as the Para Pleco, very nice specimen, can grow up to 10 inches. book says 9.8, but have a buddy with one right at 10 inches and almost 7 years old.
It might be closely related to A. sabaji, but it isn't that sp. IMO. If anything, it would be cf. or af., whichever is appropriate (and I wouldnt know...). I agree it doesn't look to be a peckoltia spp.
And BoOt, the catElog lists standard length not total length. A 10" SL sabaji would indeed be a monster. I have a 10" TL fish but I doubt it would ever get to 10" SL. I could be wrong, though.
I'm not familliar with this species, but at least the pictures look similar and the size would be right (assuming the OP's estimate of 8" is total length which would me it a 6" SL fish).
to me. The spots on the tail of the one I have are larger and more distinct and the finnage has a noticeable orange hue to it. Not sure if this fish is stressed and not showing true colour though.
drpleco wrote:It might be closely related to A. sabaji, but it isn't that sp. IMO. If anything, it would be cf. or af., whichever is appropriate (and I wouldnt know...). I agree it doesn't look to be a peckoltia spp.
And BoOt, the catElog lists standard length not total length. A 10" SL sabaji would indeed be a monster. I have a 10" TL fish but I doubt it would ever get to 10" SL. I could be wrong, though.
I agree drpleco, After looking at the pics more I see where you get that its not a Pec sp. i ALSO have spoke to my friend on the L-75 hes getting me a pic of, I meant TL drpleco.. yes a 10 inch SL para would be very nice indeed, maybe only Haarvard could grow some that big in his huge river size tanks.. I envy most.
Yes, it's quite hard to judge the fish's size in a tank - unless they play dead just by the edge of the tank so you can lay a ruler next to the fish, it's guesswork, and given the refraction of glass and water makes it much harder.
I see quite a few requests to increase the size in the Cat-eLog, but when I ask for "verification by photo with visible ruler", it usually turns out "it wasn't quite so big" or <no reply>.
The attached photo may help/confuse. (With apologies for hijacking the thread a little).
The P.Olisgospila I kept until recently, at least that was what I bought it as. I'm not experienced or confident enough to contradict more knowlegable people but I can't see a difference between my ex and the fish above. Please feel free to enlighten-what are the differences, what should I be looking for?
Now, how you tell the Peckoltia from Hemiancistrus is another matter altogether. Especially if (as I think, without looking it up) the P. oligospila is more closely related to P. sabajii than P. vittata etc.