Gold Nugget Pl*co and Catfish

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Gold Nugget Pl*co and Catfish

Post by EricBarber101 »

Hi I just bought a Gold Nugget Pl*co and I was wondering if it will bother the other catfish in my tank since it is territorial to other bottom feeders? I have a Asian RTC and a pimelodus blochii. Will the Pl*co bother them?
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Post by kwalker »

i would have to think that the pleco will not affect the other 2 catfish in the tank. the goldy is just trying to protect its own territory. the rtc in the future may bother the goldy however. just something to think about in the future.

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Post by Kostas »

He will not bother the other catfish but he may not get enough food.If you put him in this tank you should make sure that he is eating well.
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Post by Connie »

I agree also supply him with a good sized piece of driftwood to rasp on.
At the most he may chase a fish out of his way but he wont hurt anything.
Yes feed him well, any tank with catfish needs sinking foods just for them.
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Post by Dinyar »

Your gold nugget will not bother the other fish, but the Asian red tail, if that's what you have, will sooner or later kill the gold nugget.

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Post by Connie »

What is the differance between an asain and a south american red tail cat? I know one gets to be bigger then pretty much any tank and should only be kept in public aquariums but what about the other?
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Post by Silurus »

Both get to be pretty big and max out at about 50", therefore, both fish are really only suitable for public aquaria.
Aside from the fact that the fish are from different continents and families (one is a pimelodid and the other is a bagrid), the Asian RTC is a lot meaner in disposition towards tankmates.
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Post by Connie »

Thanks I thought they both got big but we always hear more about the SA redtail.
I know a lfs isn the area had one a customer gave when it outgrew there 125 gallon the petshop ended up giving it to the public aquarium.
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