"the big one" L90

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"the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

Hi folks ,
since tonight i am a proud owner of 4 20cm L90...



two of the four are shown...at the moment i keep them together with my 8 young LDA33. later i guess i will set up my 900L tank in the lounge :)

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by mattfaulkner »

Very nice. They look very similar to my one with the orange and white caudal fin. Do you intend to try and breed them?
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi matt,
i will keep them first for more or less one year to look at them and check how they behave and what favourite spots they use in the decoration...i will try to get a group of 6-8 animals in this size...only then i will move them into the 900L tank. of course i will give it a try to breed them...it might take years until anything will happen ...IF ! but why not at least i will find out a bit more about the panaque that i never had before.

as these fish love wood i can imagine that the caves should be out of wood as this is the more or less only thing they can shape by themselves...of course a clay wall would be cool but inpossible in the tank inkl. keeping the filter system alive :D i'll see how things go.

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by dconnors »

Beauties, they are! :thumbsup:
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

:D i will let them know :)

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi folks
i am slowely preparing the tank as i will get tanother 5 animals. so i will try a first breeding attempt with 9x Panaque sp.L90...

200x70x70cm just an improvisation how to position the wood... i still got massive peaces of bamboo to cut and clay caves i will adjust into the woods so they will fit well and be a part of the wood.

i've just glued a filter system this evening :)

view of one chamber

front 800x645x96mm, the foam will be up to the top of course

800x645x96mm the pipes measure 32mm in diameter, delivering 1800L/h each incl. CZ-system!
the lover part will be drilled with 10mm so the pipes will stand and suck the water from below.
to clean i can just pull each foam seperately out of its chamber...
as thes just hold by being sucked on!

more to come...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by apistomaster »

Hi Farid,
Cool fish and nice set up.
I like using Bamboo but I only have access for free to all the dead stalks I want of a temperate zone species a friend grows. The species grows 3 stories high providing him with considerable back yard privacy.

When I used some larger diameter sections with my former group of 8 L204, I had a few sections which the fish had partially eaten through the joint section. One got stuck part way through the hole they created and I had to split the Bamboo to remove the fish. I am now more cautious about using Bamboo pieces which have been in use for a long time. In another incident, a large Apistogramma macmasteri female did get stuck in the hole eaten through a joint section but I didn't discover it in time to save it.
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by mattfaulkner »

Do you have more pictures or info about the filter system? Im interested to see how it comes together, Im always interested in ways to tackle panaque poo.
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi apisto,
i also had ...I HAD bamboo once :) they're all gone ...eaten by my L204 :)

the pic below shows the way the filter is set up ...as simple as it looks ...the blue filter foam will be up to the top, the pipe will look through. while the pipes deliver water from inside out the tankwater will pe pressed throgh the foam towards the inside of the filter...and so on...

to clean the foam i will just lift one after the other up...clean it and put it back in place...?

any questions?

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

here we go ...yesterday i got the next 5 animals

No. 1 a different colour variation...i guess a femals according the nice belly...but who knows...as far no one can guess so easy what it can be so i just guess and i will specially check out how it will behave according to the other ones...




No.4 !

No. 4.2

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by DutchFry »

Wow Farid, they look absolutely amazing!! :thumbsup: especially the first specimen! nice pattern!

How big is the tank you keep these in? any dither fish?
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

DutchFry wrote:
How big is the tank you keep these in? any dither fish?
look above!

maybe i will keep some geophagus tapajos red head together..i'll see

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

today i tuned my tunze stream pump
like that i can add air that will blast out in little bubbles. the best result will be achieved by just little air supply as too much disturbes the waterflow.

the filter is in the tank, fixed with some silikon drops

the filter foam will arrive next week

i will construct the pressure chamber for the airsupply with a 110mm hose... pics follow :)

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by ElTofi »

talking about "customing"...

with the same TUNZE, I simply use a Eheim Venturi in the flow of my canister filter. I directed the venturi flow right under the TUNZE. the micro bubbles from the venturi tend to be vaccumed in the flow of the TUNZE. It's perfectly efficient : I have micro bubbles all along my 320 cm tank with no loss of TUNZE Power. The set up works from 2 years, for the joy of my Baryancistrus, Panaque, Pseudacanthicus and Retroculus...

I will check if I find a picture of it...
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

cool to hear about the venturi effect...pics would be great...i just thought as this tunze is just a stream and no a powerhead-pump...the venturi might not work...but all this is also depenting how deep the pump sits...as deeper you go the less air will be suckes in :!:

i need my pump more or less in the middle or lover. but the airsupply should be enough anyway as i use my 4 airfiltered systems :)
the tunze is more to mix the water and to bring the bakterial "dirt" (in english please :) ) close to the filter...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


As you'r talking about Tunze, I would like to have some recomendations:

I'm about to start several aquariums and I'm planning on using Tunze. But I never had this streamer pump before..

Is the 6085, 8000 l/h enough for a 280 liters aquarium for L128 and L200s?
A 6065 6500 l/h enough for 180 liters aquariums for L134, L239, L107 and so on.
Two 6125 12 000l/h on each side for a 720 liter aquarium?

Farid... I would like to see this set up in action if you got any pics on you're Tunze in the aquarium!

Always good to get som ideas!

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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by apistomaster »

Hi Farid,

Since there is a limit to the water pressure a Venturi can overcome, I just pump air into the Venturi inlet on deep water power heads. It is an easy solution if it is bubbles in the stream you want. I happen to like the effect and that is how I came up with the idea. I seriously doubt it is an original solution to the problem but it seems like a lot of fish appreciate the effect a well.
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by ElTofi »

Cristoffer Forssander wrote:Hello

Is the 6085, 8000 l/h enough for a 280 liters aquarium for L128 and L200s?
A 6065 6500 l/h enough for 180 liters aquariums for L134, L239, L107 and so on.
Two 6125 12 000l/h on each side for a 720 liter aquarium?
I have 3x6085 for my 1600 liters aquarium (320x70x70), 2x on the left side, flowing to the right along the front glass and 1x on the right side, flowing to the left, along the back glass. I can tell you it's more than enough.

I used to have a 6085 in a 375 liters (150x50x50) for L128, it's efficient and the Hemi loved it. I had to remove it as I put Pterophyllum in the same tank. Now I use a NanoTunze (2500 l/h) in this tank, it's quite enough, even for the L128, considering the micro-bubbles flow from the canister filter.
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Thanks! :thumbsup:

That was good information for me. I think the TUNZE will work just fine then with air filter system.
Perhaps it can be a bit overkill with my L114s then, as they don't need that much current.

It's not good to spend all you're money on electrical bills when you whant to do better things fore those money, like buying plecos. :)

I will try to mix air into the Tunzes as well and see how this works.

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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi cristoffer
i recommend usually a Airfilter system ...like one chamber or more like mine...also check Hamburger Mattenfilter in google! and a nanostream for the current...

in my 120x60x40cm tank with 7 adult L200 up to 16cm! i use a Wisa300 with a airstone and a potfilter or what's it called in english :lol: :lol: :lol: that delivers around 1000L/h fully mudded maybe 600L/h...so this works fine with 29 °C ...but or course a nanostream would also be cool...as i actually wanted to set up a breeding tank for the L200 they spawned ...too early :lol: :lol: :lol: so i left it the way it is...

but air and pump is for sure a good combination...as if the pump failes the tank still has enough oxygen!!! (also think secure)

i will make another filter system.very easy made ...for a new 130x70x70 tropheus tank...that i will have to set up before the 730L tank will be sold ...so i can move the L90 tank for it's fix place before i can install it completely (a massive movement in my lounge at the moment...still constructing...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

here is the plan...i got the idea from a friend of mine...

a thin glass stripe will be glued into the tank...maybe 6 or 8mm in between the mainglass and the stripe i will just squeeze a 5-6cm foam in...the pump or in my case airsystem will run this system...

it's simple and it's looks good...for bitter tanks or more dirt you may glue it in two corners or make it larger...another idea is to glue a T in the middle of the tank on the backglass...so you got 2 filters in one...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

the filter foam has arrrived the airfiltersystem is installed and the 730L tropheus tank is empty...tommorow i'll sell the 730L tank and the )900L will take place!! i cant wait to see my 9 L90 behave in their new home...

pics follow.

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

as the uploadpage has an error i leave the direkt link to the page.

the tank is set up till saturday...the fish are in and checking out their new home. no fights until now everything is running well the tunze and the self made filter!



more to follow.

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

a few days later ...the animals are doing well...no fighting until now...eating more or less..most of it might happen at night but they keep their place even when i approach the tank!!

the water is really reddish at the moment!! i added about 50 dry leaves of Fagus sylvatica...

more pics wil follow...soon
My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by krazyGeoff »

Hi Farid,
Can I ask you specifically what brand and model the blue foam / sponge you use in this filter and your CZ-Luftheber is please.

I have not seen that type in New Zealand. Everything I have found seems to be either too course or too fine.


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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by hiplecoman »

Farid, beautiful L90s! hope you have success with spawning these fish!
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi geoff,
i dont know it the foam has a brand...is is officially called Filterfoam PPI 10,20 or 30 depenting the dencity...maybe you can find someone on ebay sending to NZ?? for sure in germany there are online shops...maybe you can contact some dealers...just write them in english all the rest is their problem :lol: :lol: :lol:

if you're not suceccful let me know maybe i can oranice something... as i still got a medium dencity here maybe a 50x50x5/6cm is enough big??

let me know

thanks ...yes i hope they will ffeel well and surprise me one day :)

for the moment i will now add the caves as a "maybe" female has to gain belly size before i will change anything...further changements will be made time by time with a big brake in between...as waterparameter changements...and playing with the temp. as i got the info from Ingo seidel ...they live in 25-30°C water temperatures in their habitat...so 27 should be enough to keep their digestion busy ...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by krazyGeoff »

Thanks Farid,
Found some here: http://www.aquaristikshop.com
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

hi geoff,
for PVC the site is o.k. for the foam prices...i dont know...

i pay from the factory...example 100x100x11cm around 60$ with the machine in our company i can cut any shape or size...

so if you need something special let me know...with the stuff laying around here i can maybe help you.


PS switzerland---> NZ one way :lol: :lol: :lol:
My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: "the big one" L90

Post by Farid »

...i made a 50% waterchange yesterday ( i usually never make waterchanges during the first 4 weeks of a new installed tank) the water was so dark and redish thaat i thought ,...i just mix it a bit up :)

with a swimmingpool hose i just ordered...the 50% were out in about 10minutes time... so the change was made in about 30-40min. time...half as wild as i thought...
with RO water this will take longer of course... the tap KH is around 6 at the moment. just for keeping alright...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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