Favourite catfish :P

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Favourite catfish :P

Post by DJ-don »

i was getting really bored so im just wondering,
does anyone have a specific catfish they like?
favourite catfish in any of their tanks?
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by L number Banana »

Hi, I asked this same question a while ago but I've got a couple new catfish since then so my answer is slightly different.
First would be the common little because she wins the most expressive face contest and I've had her the longest but I'm really in love with my new little . It has one of those 'smiling' catfish faces and it doesn't exactly swim, it sort of squiggles around the tank. Very sweet.

You didn't say who your favourite catfish is at the moment?
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by sidguppy »

a very hard to answer question, as there is no single species I can name.....

my shortest possible favorite "list" of catfishes that I've kept and enjoyed a lot:

shared place with the very similar

can't get my list any shorter than this. each of these is special to me and given enough room for either a very large tank or simply more medium/small tanks; each of these will get another chance.

usually most of us will go for fish that we haven't kept before; but the ones on this list have earned a valid "reunion tour ticket" in my hobby. ;)
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by glenny »

I like all my catfish, really... :D

But there's one species i like to keep in one of my tanks: L-173... :D
L-021, L-134, L-136,L-262, L-333. Ancistrus cirrhosus.Cor.pygmaeus,similis,arcuatus,trilineatus,sterbai,melini,osteocarus, Hisonotus leucofrenatus
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by grokefish »

Without doubt, the same answer as all the other similar threads:-

The Grokefish (R.I.P) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUSOPgFvRd8

Closely followed by

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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by Shane »

My favorite is pretty much always whatever I collected last. In this case I am really enjoying the Synos I brought back from Lake Nabugabo.

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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by Shaun »

Every species in the Callichthyidae Genus, and I do mean everything.
Black Lancer Catfish, Bagrichthys macracanthus.
Auchenipteridae species, especially my Zamora Cats. Not many other species available here (the Zamoras were very hard to find anyway), would love some Liosomadoras oncinus, Tatia sp. or Trachelyopterus galeatus. T. galeatus are on the allowable import list and I've only seen one once :roll:
Phantom Glass Catfish, Kryptopterus minor.
Whiptail species.
Pimelodus ornatus.
Synodontis multipunctus and petricola/lucipinnis. Also nigriventris.
I'm not a huge fan of L-Numbers, but I do love my L134 :D There's a couple other species on my wish list.
The Natives, Plotosidae species and Ariidae. Although I don't have tanks I consider big enough for them, I get to enjoy them at work. Want a Tandanus tandanus for my pond though...
Platydoras armatulus.

I'm sure many others would be my favourites if they were available here.
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by andywoolloo »


I do really enjoy all of my plecos I own.

My Pterygoplichthys pardalis is outgoing and interactive. My clowns are very expressive. My king tigers are extremely elusive, but that just makes seeing one a very special treat. My rubbernoses seems like brutes and that makes me smile. :lol: My bristlenoses are very fun and outgoing.

My synos, I have euptera's and lucipinnis. The euptera are big and boisterous :lol: Yet also very graceful. The lucipinnis are sleek and zippy, cruising the tank in circuits all in a row. Amazing little guys, I want more one day.

My dream catfish?

syno granulosa
syno dhonti
syno angelica
syno brichardi
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by MatsP »

Difficult - most often, my favourite species is whatever is new in my tanks. But like others have said "all of them".

Amongst the ones I have now, I like my , that I think will breed for me soon (but I've said that many times...) and - but that doesn't mean that all the other dozen or so species aren't nice. My latest "new species to me" was (or similar species), and I like them quite a bit too - enough that I spent several hours today drilling holes in a 15-20 cm lump of Mopani, to make suitable breeding caves.

If I had large but finite amount of money to spend, I would keep:

If I had a nearly infinite amount of money, I would make a rescue center for Red Tail Catfish and other large Pimelodids in the mansion that I would have as "fish-house". One can only dream!

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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by Carp37 »

Synodontis euptera- my first and, so far, only syno. She wouldn't eat for the first fortnight I had her, then disappeared for a month in the 4' tank (no mean feat!), but in the 5' tank she never hides, feeds from the surface and is much less aggressive with other fish than she used to be.

Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps as he's so graceful (compared to the weird, often backward shuffling of Panaque maccus) and show no fear of other fish or me.

Callichthys callichthys, because it's a fish I've wanted since the 1980s, and finally managed to get some. Great fun to hand feed because they get REALLY excited! Megalechis thoracata as they're such great-looking, non-aggressive fish.

Brochis splendens because they were the first catfish that spawned for me (whilst still in quarantine) and are much less shy than corys. Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus as they're also so easy to breed and rear, although I wish they were slightly less agressive.
Megalechis thoracata, Callichthys callichthys, Brochis splendens (and progeny), Corydoras sterbai, C. weitzmani, CW044 cf. pestai, CW021 cf. axelrodi, Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus (and progeny), Panaque maccus, Panaque nigrolineatus, Synodontis eupterus
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by fischkringli »

My favourite one is
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by grokefish »

MatsP wrote:Difficult - most often, my favourite species is whatever is new in my tanks. But like others have said "all of them".

Amongst the ones I have now, I like my , that I think will breed for me soon (but I've said that many times...) and - but that doesn't mean that all the other dozen or so species aren't nice. My latest "new species to me" was (or similar species), and I like them quite a bit too - enough that I spent several hours today drilling holes in a 15-20 cm lump of Mopani, to make suitable breeding caves.

If I had large but finite amount of money to spend, I would keep:

If I had a nearly infinite amount of money, I would make a rescue center for Red Tail Catfish and other large Pimelodids in the mansion that I would have as "fish-house". One can only dream!

Awesome plan!

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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by arcsb »

my Catfish keeping ambition is to keep
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Re: Favourite catfish :P

Post by Redtailrob »

Blimey, favourite catfish ??? Where to start??

I change my mind everytime i go in my fish house!!

I love the Bagarius Yarelli - very different to anything I've ever kept before.
But also my Merodontus Tigrinus (Zebra Shovelnose) which is stunning.

Also my Jurense (false zebras) & my firewood shovelose (Planiceps)

I could go on!! ha ha
You get the picture :lol:
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