my L239 is roaming again :)

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my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by inkyjenn »

this time he hung out where i could see him.


in that last photo you can see his belly in the reflection. hes quite a chub :)
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by Richard B »

Yes, this one looks in good condition :D
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by andywoolloo »

Vincent!!! :thumbsup: :D I love when he makes appearances and you share them with us!
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by inkyjenn »

i love it when he makes an appearance. hes so shy, its sometimes hard to make sure hes doing alright. then he pops up and i can get a good look at him. im always glad when he looks so sharp :)
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by andywoolloo »

any updates on Vincent? I just really like hearing about him and seeing his pictures. :D
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by inkyjenn »

vincent had an injury to his nose that fortunately is healing well, albeit slowly. the best news is that i managed to snag a second L239 that appears to be female; i have named her rachel after the prostitute van gogh sent his ear to. she is also doing well. the new L239 had a HUGE fish louse (thankfully just one), and got ich and heater burns in qt and stopped eating. but she made it through. there were some squabbles at first, about territory, but that seems to have settled down.

vincent started munching on my plants; particularly my amazon sword. i offered zuke, cuke, peas, seaweed, spinach, grapes, and honeydew melon, but he ignored them and munched away and now my sword looks like a madagascar lace plant. but all seems well. both are the same lovely shade of deep blue and the female is only about a half an inch shorter than vincent; putting him around 4" and her around 3.5". the females fins were a bit ragged, but have healed up nicely. both are fat and they are both more active now that they are together. granted, in the jungle that is my tank, both have a habit of disappearing for days, but pop up regularly.

im on the hunt for a larger tank to stack over my 55. the L239s will most likely stay in the 55. i want to move my panaque maccus and my dekyseria brachiura to the bigger tank since they arent as likely to have issues with the move. L239s do not like moving.
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Re: my L239 is roaming again :)

Post by inkyjenn »

this is rachel :)

25 gallon red cherry shrimp only tank
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55 community tank
75 monster tank
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