Synodontis Nyassae???
Synodontis Nyassae???
Pic's finally online...
This thread referrs to the my 2 past threads on breeding and id Syn. Nyassae
Yahoo album: ... .dir=/Pets
Is this really a S.Nyassae?
Thanks to all of you who replyed in earlier and this post....
This thread referrs to the my 2 past threads on breeding and id Syn. Nyassae
Yahoo album: ... .dir=/Pets
Is this really a S.Nyassae?
Thanks to all of you who replyed in earlier and this post....
- Silurus
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Nope, no settings for sharing... taken care of now, have another go... Sorry!
- Silurus
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Synodontis Nyassae???
DANG! Then i was tricked by eksporter and store!r... but thanks alot anyways Silurus...
- Sid Guppy
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Synodontis njassee looks like this:

Apart from all kinds of finer marks like humeral process and so on, the five easiest ways to spot if they are the genuine thing are:
#1: -normal eyes (not big like eupterus, but not tiny either like petricola)
#2: -stretched build
#3: -white whiskers!(nigrita, eupterus and the like have dark whiskers)
#4: -EVERY part should be spotted in the same way, including all fins. Most Tangsyno's for example have black fins or fins with a white edge on front or back.
#5: -normal mouthshape; no enlarged upperlip or 'suckerlike' mouth.
Apart from all kinds of finer marks like humeral process and so on, the five easiest ways to spot if they are the genuine thing are:
#1: -normal eyes (not big like eupterus, but not tiny either like petricola)
#2: -stretched build
#3: -white whiskers!(nigrita, eupterus and the like have dark whiskers)
#4: -EVERY part should be spotted in the same way, including all fins. Most Tangsyno's for example have black fins or fins with a white edge on front or back.
#5: -normal mouthshape; no enlarged upperlip or 'suckerlike' mouth.
Plan B should not automatically be twice as much explosives as Plan A