I have recently found this site while searching for info on a catfish I have. It was sold as a "Royal Sailfin Pleco" - he could have said his royal highness and I would have known no better.
From the catalogue it looks like the gibby but also looks like a common pleco.
I'm also new to the site. Am learning loads, so cheers guys and gals.
My catfish collection currently consists of 1 panaque, 1 peckoltia (looks more like LDA01 on the cat-elog) and one syno. eupterus.
colin wrote:
I saw some golden pl*cos for sale today - each about 5" long - any comments
Welcome to the forum...If by golden you mean L-14 Goldie/Sunshine I say get it if you have the room. I think that is one of the best looking plecos out there.
I´m a new member on this forum, but not new to the hobby. I "inherited" the interest from my dad and his friends. Catfish has always been my favourite kind of fish and i´m currently into south american species, pimelodids and doradids etc. I´m also on the lookout for a new and larger tank, and I walk around at home, fantasizing about how i will display my new tank, making wish-lists of new species and so on (this is really almost as fun as to go and buy it all). My current catfishes are (if anyone is interested):
Agamyxis pectinifrons
Acanthodoras sp? (not sure if it´s spinossissimus or cataphractus)
Microglanis sp
Pimelodella pictus
Trachelyichthys exilis
Liosomadoras sp (kind of morrowi but i´m not sure)
Ancistrus ranunculus
Ancistrus sp
Panaqolus sp (the LFS called it Peckoltia brevis)
Interests: The "passion" for fish has subsided somewhat the last couple years, only currently keeping two corys and what might be an LDA-33, as catfish goes.
TalenT: I do the same thing... Make lists and budgets on stuff I won't afford, and I can't house in the immediate future... I dream of all the species I want to breed, of what combinations I can have in the tanks and so on...
Can you recomend any good shops in Ã?stersund? I'll probably be passing through there in a couple of days...
The best store in my opinion is the one on Frösön, the guy there is quite interested in catfish himself and they know a lot more about fish than the store in the central part of �stersund.
just go to Frösön and follow the signs to Frösö centrum and you'll get to the lfs.
Yes, I have to agree with Andy, the LFS on Frösön is the best in �stersund. By the way, have you been to Piteå? I was there this weekend and in one of the fish-stores I bought some equipment for very very low prices. which was nice.
Im also a new member at the forum, but have used the site since I bought my first catfish almost 2 years ago.Now I have 7 HZ in their own tank hoping for some breeding. In my other three tanks I keep discus and catfish. My catfish at the time are: 2 L014, 2 LDA33, 2 L114, 2 L260, 2 L007, 2 L047, 4 L190, 4 L262, 2 L030, 2 L270, and now Im waiting for 2 L273 that I have ordered. Started the zebra tank about 2 months ago, but no succses yet.
kønig: about the LFS in �stersund. They have two stores, one in �stersund and the one in Frøsøn. Paid a visit to both two weeks ago, in �stersund they had one L047 and some cory cats. In Frøsøn they had some corys and two Liosomodora. Frøsøn is the best of these two.