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I have this Synodontis that I had a picture up here.I was told it might be a ocellifer but I do not think so.Anyway this fish swam at the edge of the tank upside down.I have never seen this fish do this I have seen my multis do this but this fish is about 7-8 inches long.He seemes to be dead actually and then swam off.I checked as a precaution all of the parameters andd they are all ok,is this normal?
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Re: Normal
It is probably normal; some syno species do it more than others. Is the fish feeding as usual?
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Re: Normal
Oh yeah is he ever,as with all my other syno he is a big eater abd being the biggest he is usually able to get the most.Thanks
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Re: Normal
Hi, I have a black spotty hybrid (not by choice!
) syno that looks a bit like ocelifer-type may have been one of his parents and he swims upsidedown once in a while when the lights are out and I can only see his silhouette. He also swims up to the floating driftwood 'plank' and cleans the bottom while upsidedown too Daytime he hangs rightside up and only comes out to feed.
I think they're like crows and just like to swim any which way because they can...maybe it's 'fun'. Forgive me for crossing the fish/human line

I think they're like crows and just like to swim any which way because they can...maybe it's 'fun'. Forgive me for crossing the fish/human line

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Re: Normal
my eupterus do the I am upside down and being very still as a statue thing also, usually up against a driftwood chunk or a plant or something.
- L number Banana
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Re: Normal
I am upside down and being very still as a statue

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Re: Normal

very catlike
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Re: Normal
I've also just clued in that I had an ADHD oto.
Trying to figure out how I can capture his non-stop swimming to power my fridge.

Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.