Brochis Splendens Change in Behavior

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Brochis Splendens Change in Behavior

Post by brianfl »

About two months ago, I got 4 brochis splendens for my 30 gal. They were very active, coming out during the day and going up and down the glass a lot. Several weeks later, they pretty much started hiding behind a plant and only seem to come out at night. Somewhere in that time frame, I added six leopard danios. The brochis do come out at night to eat, but don't do much during the day. Is this normal adaptation or are they bothered by the danios constant activity?
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Post by Bigdan »

Hey Brian, I have 3 brochis splendens, better known as Emerald Catfish in my 29 gal tank. All I can tell you is that my cats are active night and day, and I have Giant Danios (5 of them swimming all over the place). Except for the occasional "catnapping" they are out 24/7. What are your water temps, ph, and so on. Maybe your parameters are off. Ill tell you one thing, from my little bit of experience, these cats aren't a real hardy fish. Ive had 2 die on me in the last 4 months since setting up my tank a second time (I moved). I won't buy any more of this specie, Ill go to a cory specie, they're hardier in my opinion. One sign of these type fish acting abnormal I found is a sign something is wrong. Good Luck 8)
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Post by brianfl »

My ph is around 7.8, temp 77, nitrates 20, nitrites 0, ammonia 0, gh 7, kh 8.
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Post by Bigdan »

Hey Brian, I believe your ph is too high. I keep my ph at a constant 7.0. I use ph 7.0 powder. It works very well. I don't know what other kind of fish you have that may need a higher ph. Have you checked out other websites to see what the Emeralds need in an aquarium? There are plenty of sites out there besides this one.
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Post by HayWire »

Hi Brian,
I found out the hard way something very important to these "cats", :oops: they really do need to be in a somewhat larger grouping. I tryed keeping 2-3 in my tanks for a few years and it never seemed to work out tell some one had brought it up to try a lrager school 6-7, and give them plenty of plants to hide and wood work also. so I did, and I have had them for the last 2 years. total of what i think to be 2 f and 4 m due to there size difference. the larger 2 are very close to 4 inches and the others about 3. my ph is 7.6 and as far as hardness I have no clue. they have been with me thru three moves. I have had my corys die off and these guys are doing just fine. Also they stoped going into hideing after the first few weeks of "doing up the tank" for them. Hope I helped out :!:
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Post by brianfl »

Thanks for the info. I will try to find a couple more. I have 4 right now. They do come out once in a while, now for some reason. I have some big plants in there and that is pretty much where they stay, behind the plants. They seem very healthy, they just are very shy. I have seen they are a lot more active at night when all the lights go out. I can add a piece of driftwood if that will help. I had never heard that with brochis before.
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Post by HayWire »

hello again, well it works with mine. I have the wood set up so it covers a good area of the gravel with shade and that is where they spend there time. :lol: also i guess i spend to much time (if there is such a thing) watching my fish due to not working so they are pretty used to me planting my butt down for a good 1/2 hour :oops:
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Post by brianfl »

I think I solved the problem. I moved the brochis into a 120 with a couple Ancistrus, one Blue gourami and some bosemani rainbow. They have been all moving about at all times and not hiding all the time like before. There is driftwood in that tank as well as a number of caves and some plants although not nearly as thick. So, it appears it was either the driftwood not being present or getting away from the active danios. They appear much happier in the 120 than they were in the 40. My goal for the 40 is now to add 4 botia striata.
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Post by Taratron »

After reading this post, I'm rather worried about my brothis....I have a trio in my 20 gallon tank. A little under a month ago, the largest (and friendliest...he let me pet his snout!) brothis died. Before that, all four were very active and happy.

Now, only the largest of the trio doesn't freak and dart away if anyone looks in the tank.

But seeing as this is a 20 gallon tank, I doubt there's ROOM for 6 or 7 of these cats.

So, problem. Should I try and return them to an lfs (the lfs I have in mind, a great store that has exotic fish and the like, and sells NO painted or dyed ones!), does not have these cats in stock? Nor have they carried anything akin to them in months.

On another hand....I do have a 20Long. It houses, as bottom feeders, 6 bronze cories. Would the bronze cories do better in my 20 gallon?

Or should I leave the brothis as they are, and merely add a fourth?
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Post by HayWire »

Well I just moved again. Back home with my folks, and lost one of my Brochis :cry:and a paleatus which didnt surprize me with the move I did. it was pretty hard on all my fish, however the rest are looking fine.

Taratron, ever think of trying your Brochis with your bronze corys? they might make a nice addition to the tank. Just an idea but it might work out better for the ones you have left. :)

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Post by Taratron »

Do you mean mix the bronze with the brochis? In the 20Long?
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