Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

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Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Wow. I've only had them since the 15th of Feb. I thought she was kind of fat!
The first pics shows the ones she attached right in the bubble stream - sticky eggs.
The second pic is near the Farlowella's favourite plant. Don't know if anyone is going to eat these or not but I'm amazed :D :D :D
Just added 4 litres of spring water to 33 gal higher ph tank. Spawning trigger maybe? I only have one male and three females - I think...


Yipee! wish I had an extra tank though :(
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Congratulations! you could put an extra small tank on this eggs but the wrong way round! Good luck with them!!!
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Hi fischkringli, Thanks!
They're my first Corys and my first catfish eggs so it's pretty exciting to me even though this is quite common for other folks :) I may try to put a 'tank' with holes around them just to see the fry if they get that far. The eggs are in many places all over the tank and they're lots of hiding places and plants so you never know. Even if one makes it, I'd be happy!

What fun!
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

You could also suck off this eggs and put them in a small swimming glassbox. But you must be carefull, that there is enoug flow around the eggs. If not they could die. I have had good experiences with Esha exit and Esha 2000, but be carefull (I dont know another word, Im only 14)! Its a Medicament with copper and catfish are like shrimps, they dont like copper. Even my Spartuloricaria dies because of too much of this medicament. And important is the right food .Iknow a lot about this (I dont know anything about corydoras breeding, this is all theoretical :) )I breed gobys and they have even very small eggs. You could try JBL nubil fluid or small artemias. My first breeding experience was Chlamydogobius eremius and Mugilogobius adeia.
I think you will have some babys!!! :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Hi fischkringli,

You may only be 14 but you're the wise one here, thank you for the encouragement :thumbsup: I'm 43 but young at catfish :)
I'm trying the floating plastic box that sits just inside the tank at the top. I scraped them off with a razor blade and put them in with an airstone. I still don't know if they are fertilized or not. They are light colour with a darker colour inside. I have some bb shrimp eggs if I need them. Also I can buy some live tiny foods if any eggs hatch. My fish store always has a tank of tiny live foods going.

I looked up the Chlamydogobius eremius and Mugilogobius adeia. What sweet creatures they are! Good for you. My only experience with fish babies is Sailfin Mollies and Zebra Danios. They breed very easy by themselfves, no help from me :lol:

I think I should be able to tell tomorrow if the eggs were fertilized or not. The male is so small compared to the female, I don't know if he's old enough?? He's about 3cm and the three female are 5cm. I put a bit of anti-fungus in the tank to try to keep the eggs healthy.

I'll post again tomorrow when I can get some better pictures of the eggs. Maybe someone will be able to tell if they are fertile.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

That sounds really good, the black in the eggs are the babys. If they are yellow, its ok and its normal, that some eggs arent fertilized. This egs are white and with sth., that looks like mould. This eggs must be seperated. Another good tipp is to put snails in the box, but only small snails. They are eating the rests of the algae, cleaning the eggs and when the babys are there they eat the rest of the food.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by Atlantis Child »

Awesome! :D

About the brine shrimp, I read something somewhere they aren't so good for cory catfish babies. Too salty. Anyone more experienced know if that's true?
My corys: 2 green gold, 3 peppered, 1 metae, 1 san juan, 1 elegans, 3 habrosus.

......When Corys rule the world you better hope yours' remembers all those bloodworms you gave him!!!
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Thanks fischkringli and Atlantis Child,
So far so good I guess. I took a few eggs out that were very white compared to the others. Otherwise everything looks the same. Changing water and keeping the airstone going.
About the brine shrimp,I read something somewhere they aren't so good for cory catfish babies. Too salty
I found some info about feeding cory fry on this website (top thread and 'species section) so I'll make sure I have the right stuff on hand. Thanks :thumbsup:

Hopefully I have some good news soon :)
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

You also could give them cooked egg-yellow with dust food, but frozen and living is much better. Im very interested, when the babys will come. :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!(hatching!)

Post by L number Banana »

OMG!! They're hatching as I type this!! :shock:

Tried to take pics but my camera can't 'see' them yet. Trust me, they look like pin-heads with a tail! Sooo tiny.

There's a few good eggs hatched and about 12? still to go. Two white ones stuck to a clump of 'good' ones. Should I just pull out the whole clump to make sure nothing happens to the others or wait and see if any of the clump hatch and pull away from the rest?

My sandwichbox/frytank has got bumps on the bottom so I'm trying a bit of different foods in the indents to see where most of them go.

Also, I've been changing the water with a big syringe thing because I'm scared to move the eggs and BB's. When and how would it be safe to move the bb's. I have two floating 'tanks' that I can switch them back and forth for clean water. Or should I just stay with using the syringe?

I'll keep trying for pics
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Only seperate this two white egg! The others are "clean". For movig them suck them into a bucket standing under the aquarium and then shed the water in the new box. :thumbsup: If some had rested in the bucked, put in a bit of water again. It works, Ive practised it for hundred times with my gobys. Its the best, you move them all 2 weeks so there isnt so much danger for them and they keep healthy. :foggie:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

So far so good. Only 3 eggs left not hatching but still look okay. Maybe 12-15 fry? Hard to count!

The white eggs could not be separated because they were stuck or glued to some good eggs - I moved them to a second floating tank but I think those ones won't make it.
Here's some first pics :D :D
Image Image

Hey fischkringli,
Glad to hear you're okay - sad day in Germany :( Hang in there, our hearts are there with our German friends.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Youre right L number Banana, the news are very depressing. The best against it is looking into his own aquaria world and just relax... :(
Nice pics! 12-15 is a good number for the first breeding. My first were 4, but only one survived.I hope more than nly one will grow up. Today its more depressing than yesterday. My Hara hara is dead, but another brakish water goby Redigobius balteatus produce many eggs.
The right start to feed is, when there isnt a yolkbag any more. :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

The best against it is looking into his own aquaria world and just relax... :(
and visiting PlanetCatfish :thumbsup:

The little fish are doing well. I think some egg sacs are gone so I've put in just a small bit of egg yolk dust and shrimp dust. Going to my fish store tonight and I'll see what they have as well, live food I hope. I put some small floating plants on top to provide a bit of cover if they need it. Will keep changing the water and will take some pictures again today.

They are amazing!! You can already see colour on them and tiny side fins :D

What happened to your Hara Hara? :( They are a wonderful fish.
brakish water goby Redigobius balteatus produce many eggs.
:thumbsup: Do you treat the eggs the same as for corys?
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Pictures from day 6. You can see the egg sac on some, gone on others. Sorry the pictures are fuzzy!
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

I dont treat them, because I breed Dermogenys pussila (another brakish whater fish) at the moment, so there isnt enough place for another box.When I have a place for them I will try to breed them. I must try how to treat them.
I dont know, what happend to the Hara hara. It looks normal. :(
Great pictures, they look very good and fit. Like my gobys :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Wow. More spawning from the other female!!! Just noticed it when I took a coffee break from another thread! It looks like the egg comes out, the female holds it and shimmies or dances with the male for a bit then she finds a good spot and rubs the eggs against the glass. I've counted about 40 eggs as of this moment. That seems really high but she's very big? Is that normal?

Do I put these eggs in with the tiny fry I already have from the other female?

Here's the spawning pic, the eggs are in her fins. She has put up 3 to 5 at a time. Will try to get more pics. That's the Daddy below.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Yes that is normal. Corys could spawn many eggs one time and not many another time.
And yes, you could put the eggs together with the fry.
The picture is as good as your poem on my other task :thumbsup: !
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Oh my goodness, there's more eggs again! Do they ever stop once they get going? :lol:
March 7th, 18th and again last night 23rd.
Wow :shock:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by torbanite »

L number Banana wrote: Do they ever stop once they get going? :lol:
Nope! (well mine haven't anyway :-) )

Congratulations on the spawn! (& great pictures). Hope the fry are still doing well. :thumbsup:

I started with three of these wee guys about 3 years ago & I've now got some 2 dozen of them split between two tanks. The original trio + "children" + "grand-children". You are off to a much better start than I managed though - my first several attempts to raise the fry came to grief within the first couple of days.

Their behaviour really transforms as the group size gets bigger. Those three original fish were definitely the best £5 I ever spent!
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

I've now got some 2 dozen
How wonderful! I'll need an awful lot of them to afford the catfish I want... I'll keep quite a few to see the difference in behavior.

So far so good. Feeding frozen shrimp cube pieces and spirulina pieces. Water changes/vacuum with syringe. Put lily leaves on top of the floating tankwater to provide shade/hiding? From what I don't know but they seem to like it under the leaves. Maybe the bright light bugs them.

There seems to be light and dark colour ones. Will try to get another pic but I'm afraid to syringe (turkey baster) them to the photo box so I'll try to use a spoon :roll:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Its allmost like this, if they like the tank and you give them good food theyre spawning and spawning and .... . Sometimes I ask myself where they have so much energy for doing that. :)
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Okay, trying to use a spoon was a silly idea :roll: After scooping one fish in 1/2 hour, I went back to the turkey baster! Any fry-moving suggestions welcome!

Here's all 3 generations- sort of 4 generations - some hatched really early/really late in the first batch.

Here's the leaves that have many fry underneath. I change the leaves every 4-5 days.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

How many baby-corys do you have now?
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Hi Fischkringli,
I counted 29 but some are really tiny so I'm not sure if I counted them or not. Looks like I have about 12 good eggs in there still. I took one dead fry out today :( He was one of the bigger ones.
I'm feeding a small bit many times a day and cleaning up the leftovers before bed and in the morning. Worried that I'm feeding too much and also worried to not feed enough!! :roll:

I know there was more hatched from the first eggs, do you think maybe if some died before I found them that the little snails would clean it up? So far only three white/bad eggs from the last spawn.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

I think that with the snails sounds like a good idea. Just test it! The snails, and thats the problem make the pot dirty, because they are producing a lot of excrements. Which snails do you want to put in? I tried it with Neritina zebra and they are making more dirty than clean, but they are quiet to big for this job. :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

Why dont you try Melanoides tuberculata?
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

fischkringli :
Why dont you try Melanoides tuberculata?
I haven't seen any for sale yet but it would be nice in the big tank, I have lots of sand and the plants are very well rooted.

The snails in there now are what we call common pond snail. I don't know the correct name but they are not round or pointed, a little in between. The largest I ever saw one was about 1 cm. Breed like crazy. If I see one in the big tank, I smush it and the corys go crazy.
I put one snail in the fry tank when I first got eggs and they don't seem to bother anything. Maybe they clean up the food I miss? Keep the eggs clean? Don't know for sure.

The largest fry now have tiny pectoral fins. Looking more like tiny fish now. Will post pics soon.
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by fischkringli »

All snails under 3cm are good for this job. I dont think how big the common pond snail (Radix labiata, I think) grows, but juveniles of them are good for this. They eat the food rests and clean the eggs without hurting them. Looking forward to your pics. :thumbsup:
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Re: Super sticky Cory eggs appear!

Post by L number Banana »

Tried moving a few to the big tank. So far so good but only one showed up for pictures :-)
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