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Post by charles101 »

hi everyone,
thought i may aswell put a pic up of my much loved(although v.difficult to look after) gold nugget pleco....


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Re: MY GN!

Post by ahodge84 »

Very nice! I just bought one today. Any advice for the new GN keeper? I've researched them online, but was just wondering if there was any way you could supplement the general info that is available.
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Re: MY GN!

Post by charles101 »

hi brilliant!they are a fantastic fish.
the main problem is (i dont know if you have read the article "gn-the problem pleco")to get them to acclimatise and start feeding,i would suggest for a week or so(depending on plants)keeping lighting to a minimal,provide lots of caves/bogwood and make sure food is on hand for him/her all the will take many months before he/she is settles in properly.
of course though keep the water tip-top and remove any uneaten food(im sure you know this allready)its just best to say it especially when you will be adding a lot of food to try and intise him/her to eat.
i used to do sessions of what i called "pleco watching"(i know sad arent i!)to make sure mine was eating as i was rreally worried,but if you keep a dim lamp on with the main light out and are patient enough you might see him/her feed.their main diet should consist of a more meaty diet rather than veg although they are omnivorous so both should be provided although like i said lean more toward meaty things ie.blood worm,prawns,tubifex etc....of course feeding these are difficult as they need a strong flow so what i do to save them being sucked into the filter is to stuff a piece of courgette/cucumber(although you can feed other veg's)with one of the mentioned things(bloodworm,brineshrimp,mussel,worm sticks etc....).
IMO you cant really over filter the tank with these fish (and most plecs for that matter especially river xingu variety)obviosly that depends on tankmates,but i try to over filter the tank as much as poss without going over bord.
a word of warning aswell-whatever you have to tie down dont use cotton thread/fishing line as mine is just recovering from a nasty gash and ripped dorsal fin from getting entangled in the stuff,i use lead(or whatever they are made out of)weights to weigh down cucumber.
keep us posted,and dont forget to post a pic when he/she starts coming out :thumbsup:
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Re: MY GN!

Post by andywoolloo »

what a fantastic pic and what a mighty mouth! that is one gorgeous pl*co!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: MY GN!

Post by ahodge84 »

Thanks for the advice. I will be watching my new GN closely during the next few weeks, especially during feeding time and soon after. When I get pictures, I will be sure to post 'em. It explored the tank for awhile earlier and I wasn't able to get any...yet.
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Re: MY GN!

Post by charles101 »

thanks he has got a rather large mouth!most unlike his owner i must say :lol:

its ok,mine did that for a while untill he found a cave then i didnt see him for a fair few weeks!i doubt he will come out for food mine stil doesnt i have to leave it in there over night with all lights off:)
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