Breeding Lda31

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Breeding Lda31

Post by hookedonfish »

Hi everyone

New to this forum.. So i thought the 1st post i make, would be to ask what are everyones thoughts on breeding Lda31.. Is it possible to do..

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Re: Breeding Lda31

Post by racoll »

Anything is possible :wink:

I believe is closely related to , which has been bred several times.

Have a read of the spawning accounts of this species here and here. This gives you a good starting point.

P. albomaculatus is a whitewater species, so I urge you not to stress about exact water parameters. Tapwater will be fine. Concentrate on powerful filtration, heavy feeding and very frequent water changes.

I don't know if you already keep this species, but they are more aggressive than P. L204, so I would recommend a pretty large tank.

Provide lots of soft wood for them to eat, and supplement with vegetables, frozen larvae and algae wafers.

Good luck, and welcome to the forum :D
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Re: Breeding Lda31

Post by Richard B »

Welcome to Planet catfish :D Racoll's advice is sound as usual.
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Re: Breeding Lda31

Post by hookedonfish »

thank you heaps guys.. I appreciate your help.. If i succeed i will post something up for you all to see...

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Re: Breeding Lda31

Post by hookedonfish »

Hi guys and girls

I'm thinking of getting some of zcliff caves but don't know what size i will need.. Can someone who owns these fish tell me what size caves they will fit in.. Will 15cm L x 2.5cm H x 3cm W be ok for them, they are slate ones... this is the only thing i'm stuck on because i don't want to go and buy some caves that they won't go into.. Size on the caves for the L204 and the Lda31 would be great

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Re: Breeding Lda31

Post by MatsP »

Give the fishes a few different size, then the male can pick the one that he thinks is right.

Generally, the cave should be about 1.2-1.5x the length of the male, and have enough space for the male and the female to fit in there, at the same time as the male needs to be able to "close" the cave towards other males. So a very snug fit for the male + female is probably the best.

It's quite hard to give firm and fast "rules" for cave design.

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