Catfish 'hyper ventilating'

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Atlantis Child
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Catfish 'hyper ventilating'

Post by Atlantis Child »

She's one of my peppered, and I've had her about two years now. She started proping herself up against the glass starting about a month ago, or swimming up against it, kinda looking like a little pleco.

Not sure if that's connected in any way but,

She's gradually started breathing rapidly over the last week or so, and now I'm sure something is wrong. She doesn't have any physical symptoms. No red gills or anything. No change in general behavior.

All of my other catfish are acting normal and seem perfectly happy. And there's plenty of oxygen in the water to go around.

- Atlantis
My corys: 2 green gold, 3 peppered, 1 metae, 1 san juan, 1 elegans, 3 habrosus.

......When Corys rule the world you better hope yours' remembers all those bloodworms you gave him!!!
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