Feeder fish

All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from other parts of the world (North America, Europe and Australia). If you don't know where your catfish is from, post a query in the identification category.
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Feeder fish

Post by IndefactorX »

Does anyone know of any online resources that i can order alot of feeder fish from for real cheap? any help would be great, i need to feed my blue and my albino catfish
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Post by Silurus »

Why take risks with feeder fishes and possible transmission of diseases? A sack of commercial fish feed would do nicely in place of feeders. Might even be cheaper in the long run too.
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Post by DeLBoD »

Indeed. I wont even feed my cats live bloodworms for the same reasons.
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Post by FatCat »

The safest way to avoid possible contamination from outside sources it to breed your own guppies or something for a treat but i agree with the others guys here. you would be missing out on enjoying these fish with live food. These two fish can easily be trained to come to the surface for floating pellets and very quickly take it out of your hand. Its a lot of fun seeing these fish come up and suck a bunch of pellets off the surface then thank you with a fresh shower of tankwater as they head back down :D
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