Dwarf Clown Pleco?

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Dwarf Clown Pleco?

Post by fishbguy »

Hello all

I bought a 'dwarf; clown pleco about 2 weeks ago for my newly set up 29 gallon, heavily planted.

The thing is, I can't find anything about dwarf clown plecos. All that comes up is just a regular clown pleco.

Any info on these buggers? I would kind of like a correct ID and l number if possible please.

Thanks alot!

I migh be able to get some pics up later....
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Re: Dwarf Clown pl*co?

Post by racoll »

Does it look like a clown pleco ()?

If so, then it probably is. Take no notice of common/trade names. If you are still unsure, why not post a picture?

You probably knew this, but P. maccus may not the most plant friendly of plecos, especially if they are hungry.

Make sure you have wood available for him, as then he should eat this instead of the plants.
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Re: Dwarf Clown pl*co?

Post by fishbguy »

He does look alot like that. I'll post a pic, I just have tog et it off of my other computer.

No...I did not know that. Thanks for the info. I do have a pretty large piece of driftwood in there for him, but I have only seen him on it once or twice. He normally hides underneath it in a little cave there.

Hopefully he won't be too hard to catch when he does start eating plants.

btw...Why is the E in pl*e*co bleeped out?
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Re: Dwarf Clown pl*co?

Post by loachy_406 »

Q: Why are there *'s in pleco and cichlid?

A: Years ago on the mailing list that was first used to discuss catfish over the internet, there developed a superstition that if you typed the word pleco without the *, your fish would die. It's carried on through today, where the forum is programmed to help you keep your plecos safe!

The *'s in Cichlids are simply there for humor. After all, it IS a Catfish forum!
From the FAQ.
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Re: Dwarf Clown pl*co?

Post by MatsP »

racoll wrote:You probably knew this, but P. maccus may not the most plant friendly of pl*cos, especially if they are hungry.

Make sure you have wood available for him, as then he should eat this instead of the plants.
I agree with the "have wood in the tank". I wouldn't say that I've seen them chew on plants ever (but I've never kept them without wood).

And the "dwarf" is probably simply referring to the fact that they are a dwarf pleco, if we by that term mean that they are growing to about 3" or so, as opposed to for example the larger Panaque species.

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