royal with odd pattern

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royal with odd pattern

Post by Pooks73 »

anyone ever seen a spotted royal before? this one is up for auction, but i'm not sure if i should bid on it. i can get regular royals for $20 locally. is this a different plec, or just a different pattern? ... 430f4f8615
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Post by mokmu »

I suppose this is okay. This Panaque, I think, has been categorized now as a Watermelon Pl*co and has been assigned the L#330 from L27a.
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Post by Yann »


Strange the fish pictured there has the coloration of L330 ( in the second part of the body) and of a "normal" Panaque nigrolineatus in the front part of the body...
It would be interesting to see if these coloration will change and if they change how it will change...
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Post by Caol_ila »


Imho its not too surprising that theres fish with these types of patterns. If you look at other species a melting in of spots to blotches or breaking up of lines to spots is quite a common thing.
It is a really nice looking fish though. Go for it Yann and find out what itll look like. ;)
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Post by Plec0maniac »

hi yann, in my last shipment of L330 there are several patterns, and there are plenty of those types, half lines and half spots.. only 3-4pcs are all spotted :) but they sure look pretty good!
Too many gorgeous loricariids
So hard to obtain! Grrr....
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Post by S. Allen »

err... actually, that pic is stolen, like many other fish auction pictures, from fish2u, an online store out of florida with crappy fish but a great selection...

has been up for a year or more there... Highly unlikely you'd get a fish from the same batch, and most likely it wouldn't look like what you wanted.
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