L184 in Italy?

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L184 in Italy?

Post by Leucosticta »

sorry if i write in this topic. I've been looking for something like L183 or 184 (or L100 or L059)
but in italy there is no choice. Do you know if there is some way to send them from foreign countries with safe shipping choices?
A way to receive them in one day maybe, from Germany or Switzerland not being outlaw? I'm going crazy seems that there is no way to have them :(

If this post is not opportune mods may remove it :oops:
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Re: Pics of L100

Post by MatsP »

I suppose if a shop in nearby country [helps if it's within EU] are able and willing to ship to you, I don't see a problem. However, shipping is probably going to be noticable on a small group of fish. There's no technical reason why you shouldn't be able to get thos in Italy - perhaps someone else in Italy can help out with a shop that is able to sell those?

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Re: Pics of L100

Post by Leucosticta »

well the problem is that iyaly has not big aquarium culture: the 99% of the tanks are guppies and discus and he only L known are Gibbiceps, ancistrus sp(3) and plecostomus.
Other are so seldom required that have incredible prices. I've seen just once a L183 adult but it was 40 € when people all around the world can have it for 1/10 of the price. It's not a problem of money, is just that is a pity that this wonderful family is so badly known.

If anybody has the name of a good shop that sells and sends fishes... I'll be grateful :D
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Re: Pics of L100

Post by MatsP »

Leucosticta wrote:well the problem is that iyaly has not big aquarium culture: the 99% of the tanks are guppies and discus and he only L known are Gibbiceps, ancistrus sp(3) and plecostomus.
I haven't been to Italy for several years now, and last time I was, I didn't care much about fish-shops.
Other are so seldom required that have incredible prices. I've seen just once a L183 adult but it was 40 € when people all around the world can have it for 1/10 of the price. It's not a problem of money, is just that is a pity that this wonderful family is so badly known.
Genuine (L183) are fairly pricey here in the UK too - €40 = £31, and my feeling is that you wouldn't get much change out of that in any of my local shops (at least not at adult size), supposing they actually carried the fish in the first place. In the US, www.exoticfinds.com has them listed at 2" (50 mm) for $25 - which makes about €16 - but that's far from fully grown ones. 3-4cm ones from Trimar are about the same price.

I haven't seen genuine L183 for a while - if ever, since the ones I saw most recently, which thought were (and were listed as) L183 turned out to be (most likely) - you can tell the difference in the dorsal fin that should have 12 dorsal rays in L183, others have 8 rays.

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Re: Pics of L100

Post by Leucosticta »

sorry, i meant L184 not 183 :oops: :oops: anyway I'll take a look to your link, closing here with my off topic :oops: :oops: thanks a lot again :thumbsup:
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Re: Pics of L100

Post by MatsP »

Leucosticta wrote:sorry, i meant L184 not 183 :oops: :oops: anyway I'll take a look to your link, closing here with my off topic :oops: :oops: thanks a lot again :thumbsup:
Well, I don't think I've ever seen L107/L184. I'm splitting this thread out to make it a bit cleaner, as it's clearly no longer related to the original thread.

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Re: L184 in Italy?

Post by Leucosticta »

thanks anyway. I checked on a list of italian sellers but no plecs. Aufff I'll have a tour in Europe sooner or later 8)
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Re: Pics of L100

Post by Daragh »

Leucosticta wrote:... I've seen just once a L183 adult but it was 40 € when people all around the world can have it for 1/10 of the price. ....
Sorry I can't help, but if I were you I would run back for the L183 at €40. I have been looking for two years here. The last time I saw them here I bought two at €55 each, unfortunately one died and I have been looking for a partner ever since. Lovely plec.
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