Growth L091?????

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Growth L091?????

Post by barfadamus666 »

Hi everybody,

I have a question about the speed of growth of L091 (three beacon pleco, Leporacanthicus triactis). I bought an individual (+/- 10 cm) about 10 months ago for my 180 L tank. There are also quite a few other fish in there which compete for food. I do not feed too much as I do not want the water quality to be affected. I feed him special food which should be perfect for him, however, the other fish are usually much quicker in eating it. Moreover, the fish is nocturnal and I rarely see him eat. The condition of the fish is fine, he looks great. The thing is that in the time I have him he has not visually grown..... Is this because he might not get enough food, or just because this species is an extremely slow grower?????

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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by Lornek8 »

Could be a little of both. It also depends on how often you change water. Clean water is often more important to good growth than ample food.
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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by MatsP »

Lornek8 wrote:Could be a little of both. It also depends on how often you change water. Clean water is often more important to good growth than ample food.
Well, I guess it's a bit of both. If you change 80% of the water each day, but don't feed the fish at all, I doubt they will grow!

But good amounts of food with few water changes is equally not going to make the fish grow quickly, so it's a balance. More food means more nitrogenous waste (normally as nitrate) in the tank, which at some level will reduce the growth-rate of the fish - what level depends on what conditions the fish has developed itself to tolerate. Many of the exotic Loricariidae are "used to" fast flowing rivers with very clean water, so low levels of nitrate will resemble it's natural habitat best.

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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by taksan »

He's probably not getting enough food. My L91 did better when placed in a tank with only a few tetras and mid water type fish for tankmates.
I like you got mine when he was about 10cm ...he's about 20cm now and thats taken 2 years.
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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by DutchFry »

try to feed the L091 at night using foods like prawns, chopped mussels, courgette and sometimes mollusks. i'm sure he/she will appreciate that!
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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by Lornek8 »

MatsP wrote:
Lornek8 wrote:Could be a little of both. It also depends on how often you change water. Clean water is often more important to good growth than ample food.
Well, I guess it's a bit of both. If you change 80% of the water each day, but don't feed the fish at all, I doubt they will grow!

But good amounts of food with few water changes is equally not going to make the fish grow quickly, so it's a balance. More food means more nitrogenous waste (normally as nitrate) in the tank, which at some level will reduce the growth-rate of the fish - what level depends on what conditions the fish has developed itself to tolerate. Many of the exotic Loricariidae are "used to" fast flowing rivers with very clean water, so low levels of nitrate will resemble it's natural habitat best.

Thanks Mats. That's kinda what I meant to say but obviously didn't do too good a job at it. Didn't mean to imply that feeding isn't important, just trying to emphasise the importance of clean water which is often overlooked.
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Re: Growth L091?????

Post by MatsP »

Lornek8 wrote:
Thanks Mats. That's kinda what I meant to say but obviously didn't do too good a job at it. Didn't mean to imply that feeding isn't important, just trying to emphasise the importance of clean water which is often overlooked.
Sure, that's why I wanted to clarify. And to add: Basically, more water changes allows higher levels of feeding, which may help the fish to grow faster.

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