Which Loricarinae am I?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Which Loricarinae am I?

Post by Cartman »

I'm having problems positively ID'ing this Loricarinae... any help would be great.





Edit: I forgot to mention he's roughly 4"s.
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Post by Silurus »

<i>Loricaria simillima</i>?
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Post by Charly EON »

Loricaria simillima for me to
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Post by SynoPetri »

I agree too!
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Post by Plec0maniac »

Looks like an L10 to me :)
Too many gorgeous loricariids
So hard to obtain! Grrr....
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Post by Jools »

Plec0maniac wrote:Looks like an L10 to me :)
<I>Loricaria lata</I>? Maybe but it would most likely have to be a tank raised one as I have note seen this species imported for a LONG time. I reckon <I>S. simillimia</I> is much more likely.

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Post by Plec0maniac »

around late last year, there was a shipment of L10 and they wer very big so i expect them to be wild.. My friend got them from peru ;)
Too many gorgeous loricariids
So hard to obtain! Grrr....
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Post by Cartman »

I'm leaning towards L. Simillima too. These are wild fish as the store I got them through recieved 3 of them two days prior to me purchasing them. Unfortunately the LFS said they received shipments from Brazil (they didn't know where in Brazil), Lima and Bogota on that day. So I can't really pin down a location. I also know they aren't locally bred because the only Loricaria Simillima bred in our club are the brown variant. Of the 3 the store brought in, I got 2 as one of the employees had purchased 1 ( :roll: why you'd only get 1 I have no idea :roll: ) They were marked black loricaria $40 (US) a piece, I know a few people @ this LFS pretty well so they cut me a deal and charged me $40 for the both of them minus my club member 10% discount ($36). That's about all the info I have on them, I'll take better photos today and post them.


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Hi Fin Catfish

Post by Wazeal »

I purchased 2 catfish that were labeled 'Hi Fin Catfish' at my local store and I would like to learn more about them. They are growing very large very quickly. They are incredible.
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Post by Graeme »

I'm still looking for a L. Simillima. Very nice! :D

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