I'm leaning towards L. Simillima too. These are wild fish as the store I got them through recieved 3 of them two days prior to me purchasing them. Unfortunately the LFS said they received shipments from Brazil (they didn't know where in Brazil), Lima and Bogota on that day. So I can't really pin down a location. I also know they aren't locally bred because the only Loricaria Simillima bred in our club are the brown variant. Of the 3 the store brought in, I got 2 as one of the employees had purchased 1 (

why you'd only get 1 I have no idea

) They were marked black loricaria $40 (US) a piece, I know a few people @ this LFS pretty well so they cut me a deal and charged me $40 for the both of them minus my club member 10% discount ($36). That's about all the info I have on them, I'll take better photos today and post them.