L66 or L333?

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L66 or L333?

Post by lfcrowther »

I have 2 of these Pleco's in my aquarium and cannot decide which exact L number they are, I have narrowed it down to an L66 or an L333.
I would greatly appreciate any help in proper identification of these fish.
I have tried to get good pics of them side on, if required i could get different pics and upload.
Thank you
Plec number 2
Plec number 2
Plec number 1
Plec number 1
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Re: L66 or L333?

Post by katmandu »


first picture is L 66(plec 2),same like mine,very bright black&white pattern.Second picture(plec 1) could be L 333.I would say they are differnt L-plecs.

I have 4 x L 66 and every of them have different brigtnest,some very dark,hardly to see any stripes,one same like yours,very bright.then there is 5th plec,which i thought was L 66,but it is L 333.I bought yesterday a new plec as L 66 :beardy: ,but i knew it it was L 333.They looks different.easy to recognise if they are in the same tank.

Good luck with them :thumbsup:


tom :foggie:
tank 1----5 x L 66,2 x L 134,5 x bristlenose,Satanoperca spieces
tank 2----1 x L 147,Cheatostoma,Geophagus Tapajos,Heros severus,bristlenose(pair)
tank 3---3 x N.brihardi
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Re: L66 or L333?

Post by Yann »

First L66!!
Second I hesitate a little bit
What size??
Either a very dark L66,I have seen some like that...
Second guess could be L401 but colour and morph are a bit off!!
Not L333
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Re: L66 or L333?

Post by lfcrowther »

Thanks for both your replies.

I am pretty convinced that Plec 2 (the first pic) is an L66. They were sold to me as L260, Queen Arabesque which they are clearly not, markings were very faint when originally purchased. I think Plec 1 may be different, and it's interesting comparing against the L401 but I am not sure it is. Plec 2 is about 3.5" and Plec 1 is about 3". They don't bother each other at all, but they do stay pretty seperate in the tank.
Thanks for your help and suggestions.

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