Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

Post by itsybelle »

Hello! I am new to the forum and appreciate all of the info found on this site! I'm hoping someone could give me some advice?

I read this from PC about the Bulldog/Rubberlip and was wondering if anyone has ever bred them in the home aquaria? From what I understand from the article, most are wild caught and not captive bred? I did a search in the boards and didn't find any other information. I hope I searched properly!

I saw some at my LFS the other day and they have very small babies, which made me assume that those particular fish were not wild caught.

I would like to explore breeding these fish, and will have a 30g available once I move my baby oscar to his 125g.

Does anyone have more information or advice?

Thank you and nice to meet you!!


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Re: Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

Post by Janne »

You can also read this, they are occasionally spawned in aquariums but there are not any deeper article about them what I am aware of.

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Re: Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

Post by itsybelle »

Thanks for the link!
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Re: Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

Post by bigd762 »

It took mine 3 years before they starting breeding. I started feeding mine more meaty foods like bloodworms & frozen brine shrimp. I have 2 males and 1 femae. They breed 3 times once every month during the winter. The female breed with both males. The eggs took a very long time to hatch and they breed everytime under a rock overhang/cave. There was no parent care at all after the eggs hatched. I have large grave in the tank and the fry would big deep between the gravel to get the food. I mostly feed the fry baby brine and crushed flakes. I still have around 50+ fry.
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Re: Breeding the Bulldog/Rubberlip

Post by bronzefry »

Hey bigd!
Nice to hear you still have 50+ fry!!! :thumbsup:
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