Mystus Nemurus max size?

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Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by chrisdef15 »

Anyone know what the real max size for Mystus Nemurus is? I havent been able to track down anyone who owns or has seen one over 14". Not saying the bio here is wrong but certainly seems like it. Does anyone on here have any big guys? And i dont wanna see red tails only if your sure its a a nemurus.
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by MatsP »

If you look at , it will tell you that it will grow to 650mm SL. This number matches fishbase.

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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by Chrysichthys »

What is commonly sold as Mystus nemurus is usually not that, but rather . It grows up to three feet in length. I haven't personally seen one that big but I've seen a two foot specimen.
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by Richard B »

i've seen wykioides at 28"
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by Chrysichthys »

Richard B wrote:i've seen wykioides at 28"
I hate to think what its temperament is like at that size.
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by chrisdef15 »

Sorry ppl i know its rude but i clearly said MYSTUS NEMURUS and i dont want to here about red tails. I know they get big thats not what im asking. Yes The bio on here for it says it gets that big but im thinking its wrong. The pics in the bio are all only around 14". Like i said does anyone actually own a big guy? Or know anyone that does? Or seen pics on fishing sites or fish farm sites? Im sure others may know who im talking about but there is someone on another site im usually at who has had one in a 15,000g for the last few years and has owned the fish for 10 and its lucky to be 14" long. I have had mine for about a year in a 180 and he was about 10-11" when i got it and would barley have grown half an inch.
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by Richard B »

No worries - as long as we are all 100% sure of the species we need to discuss.

personally i haven't encountered many hemibagrus nemurus at all, the biggest being probably 8-9"
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by Silurus »

I have seen H. nemurus in Bornean markets about 50 cm SL (20"), and the largest specimen I have examined in my revision of the genus is about 39 cm SL (15").
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by chrisdef15 »

Silurus wrote:I have seen H. nemurus in Bornean markets about 50 cm SL (20"), and the largest specimen I have examined in my revision of the genus is about 39 cm SL (15").

Thank you heaps thats the sort of info i was looking for. Sorry if i sounded rude ive just tried getting a real max size on a few forums and know one seems to know and the only answers ide get where check here or fishbase ect. Are there any other albino species commonly available? Just trying to work out why mine would be growing so slowly while its tankmates grow nicely and the other guys stayed so small.
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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by MatsP »

It looks like producing albino ones isn't terribly hard:

The first couple of pictures in the Cat-eLog, which I linked in the second post in this thread, show fairly large specimens.

We do often hear about small specimens in captivity - I think this may be caused by two things:
1. Stunting in early life. It may well be that the sellers of these fish, which is normally used for food-fish, are selling SMALL specimens from their fish production to the aquatic trade. Of course, the runt of the litter, so to speak, may never actually grow that large - if you have a 3-year old child that is much smaller than other 3-year olds, chances are that he/she will grow up to be shorter & smaller than other people his/her age.
2. Stunting in aquarium life. Water quality (nitrates, oxygen levels), quality and quantity of food, "quality of life" may all play a factor in growth rates in captivity.

In this particular case, I think the first aspect is more likely than the second, as these fish are grown in captivity in large numbers for food production, and these conditions are most often used for species that are reasonably tolerant to "bad" conditions.

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Re: Mystus Nemurus max size?

Post by chrisdef15 »

Thanks for the info. Thats sucks abit though as i kinda need him to grow up enough not to get eaten by my other fish. Might havta get rid of him then. Been looking around and still havent found anyone with a big guy so looks like your theory might be right.
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