My Catfish!

A members area where you can introduce yourself, discuss anything outwith catfish and generally get to know each other.
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My Catfish!

Post by seds »

Here are a couple pics of my lil upside down catfish!! They are about 2-2.5 '' long. There is flash because the photographs were taken in pitch darkness; that's the only time you can see both of them. I also have a African glass catfish (yes :oops: only one, the LFS has none anymore) but he is impossible to capture on film.

What do you guys think?
I have upside down catfish!! HA HA HA
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Joined: 15 Oct 2006, 23:08
My cats species list: 5 (i:0, k:0)
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Location 1: Alberta, Canada

Post by seds »

My Upside down cats hide under the filter during the day (and most of the night) I got a picture of my AGC! ...its not that great... He is about three inches long.
I have upside down catfish!! HA HA HA
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Joined: 04 May 2007, 16:42
Location 1: UA

Post by valiko »

Oh, beautiful! :)
Have you more pics?
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