Difference Panaque spec (L 191) and Panaque spec (Shampupa)

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Difference Panaque spec (L 191) and Panaque spec (Shampupa)

Post by Badenser »


i´ve only a short question.
How can i differentiate between the Panaque spec. L 191 (Broken Line Panaque from Colombia) and the Panaque spec. (Shampupa Panaque, Peru Green) in juvenile or subadult growing?

thank you for take a minute to anwer me.
take care of you
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Post by MatsP »

Aside from the obviously different capture/export location, the most apparent difference would be that the has broader lines compared to .



It is worth noting that, in my opinion, it is quite hard to tell the different variants of Panaque nigrolineatus apart, particularly if you don't have "the other near similar" to compare with available at the same time, e.g. colour differences are obvious when you have two of different origin next to each other, but if you only have one fish, it's hard to tell if it's "slightly more green" or if it's just the lighting in that tank...

Note: Admittedly these variants are not necessarily the same species - but the all look fairly similar and may be variants of the same species - I'll let someone like Jon Armbruster decide if they are or not.

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