White stuff.

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Hell Fire
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White stuff.

Post by Hell Fire »

Hi im new to the site! I love catfish, mainly types of plecs etc. Ive got 4 tanks and in one i have a Bristlenose plec. Ive had him since he was about 5cm long and now hes about 10cm. I say he as it has some bristles at the very front of the nose but it could be a female as some do get them just around the edge. Now latly (the last 2 weeks) the colour on the spines (at the side of the head) has changed. Obviously these are used as a defence etc and to ward others off. He/She only uses them when the loach decide to sit on top on my plec lol so this is the only time i get a real good look. They all get on fine but sometimes the plec will have a bit of fun and make sure they know its his cucumber etc.
Now these spines have started to get white tips. Ive not seen this before and was wondering if any of you had? It doesnt look like any fungus, all my water stats etc are spot on, none of the other fish are ill, my plecs still eating and actice like always.
Just PLEASE ut my mind at rest!! As said the tips are white, I wonderd if they were worms or similar but they dont move or anything just wave about a slight bit when retracted but not much really, and seem to be part of the actual spines.
Thanks in advance for any reply.
vicky :D
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Post by MatsP »

Welome to Planet Catfish.

Any chance you could get a photo (one way to ensure that the fish shows its interopercular spines is to hold it by its tail - they do their best not to get eaten at that point, and that means "make myself as spiky as possible"). [Yes, I know, they are not always easy to catch!].

It does, unfortunately, sound like some sort of bacterial infection or similar. It may well cure itself with TLC, but it would be good to see a photo just to make sure we all know what we are talking about.

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Post by Hell Fire »

I will try to get a pic if i can but im really not that good at underwater close ups!! Ill bung in some cucmber a little later, hes bound to come out then and start showing his spikes at the loaches anyway so hopefully i wont have to stress him by catching him.
Thanks very much.
I take it i have to upload a pic onto photobucket or similar to get it on here?
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Post by MatsP »

If it's a "standard" , it wouldn't be too stressed by being caught. And if it gives you a better picture, it will help us help you and the fish. But of course, underwater may show more correect colours.

Yes, pictures have to be uploaded to Imageshack, photobucket or some such.

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Post by Hell Fire »

WOW!!! After much waiting about and being annoyed at the fact that as soon as the camera came out the plec vanished i now have the best close ups ive ever taken!!! Really pleased and you can see clearly the white stuff i hope. They look great on my PC but may be dif once on here. Fingers crossed.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p98/ ... /plec1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p98/ ... /plec2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p98/ ... 0_1985.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

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Post by MatsP »

I don't see much wrong with those pictures. But I can't see the interopercular odontodes very well...

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Post by Hell Fire »

In the pics can you see the white bits? Its just on the surface of them spines at the side of the head.
It doesnt seem to be as noticable today. I out some general tonic in yesterday to help any bad bactierial infections. Do you see what i mean by the white? Or is it just me worrying? lol
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Post by Hell Fire »

Ive just had a look at your pics (very good and nce plecs) and your one looks the same as mine. So i dont think its anything detramental hopefully. Ill just keep a eye on it. Thanks very much
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Post by MatsP »

I think you can see the same thing (although they are not good shots for the purpose) in both of these pictures:


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Post by Hell Fire »

Yep there the ones, also there was another with a pretty clear view i found in the gallery on here. So its put my mind at rest now. thanks for the help. Ill let you know if anything happens. Will just keep a eye on him. Pretty sure its a he.
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Post by MatsP »

Hell Fire wrote:Pretty sure its a he.
It looks like a male .

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