Questions regarding L255 and L271 (mod edit)

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Questions regarding L255 and L271 (mod edit)

Post by fat_fish »

I am new to the forum, but not the catfish world. I have kept catfish for two years now. Not compared to the 10+ Keepers, but we all have to start some where?

Anyway, I have kept NOTHING but BN? I have bread Commons, Albinos and L144. I have also got a trio of 'Julidochromis transcriptus' these where a really good find and price ($35ea and only 20 in NZ!) But here is my next step up the ladder.

L255 -> There is 1 group of 8 and bunch of singles floating around, these fish are costing $150NZD each and I am getting a trio. I know these fish are not the easiest fish to breed but with price comes difficulty. How do I breed them? Any re-ports or keepers that have successfully breed them?

L271 -> Only $180! 6cm :( Will be a mission to breed but would be cool if I could. They aren?t common in NZ so would be cool to populate their numbers.

Anyway here is how I want to house them...

I DONT KNOW! I need help on how to house the L255!
I don?t know if I want to get them a AR620 which is a 110 Liter tank and a heater, or get it all separately, Its so much cheaper getting them a all in-one tank, but then I dont get to pick my filtration and what not.

The L271 are going into My L144 tank to grow them out, then I will think about getting them there own tank.

Thanks :D
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Post by fish fodder »

welcome ZEB_NZ.........again
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Post by Richard B »

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Post by fat_fish »

This is my first time I have had acess to a PC.

What tank sizes and what not do I need?
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Post by MatsP »

L255 is very similar to , which is fairly well described in the Cat-eLog, so keeping and breeding should be close to the same. Based on their location, they would likely to be more happy in a warm tank, 28'C or higher, with plenty of current and well-oxygenated water. Tank-size should be something around 16 x 16 x 32 inches (40 x 40 x 80).

L271 is a Panaque species. The lack of breeding success on this one is most likely that it's not a common import, rather than it being difficult to breed.

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Post by fat_fish »

I am going to put the...

L271 in my L144 tank (4ft) until they are fully grown.
Then the L255 are going into the tank I am winning! ... d=92287626
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