Whats Wrong With My Cory?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Whats Wrong With My Cory?

Post by eurospage »

hiya about 2/3months ago i bought 5Corydoras trilineatus but 4 of them soon died. The one surviving one has grown and seemed to be ok. All of a sudden he has started darting round the tank and swiming at mid level alot of the time. My levels are ph : 7
Ammonia : 0ppm
Nitrite : 0ppm
Nitrate : 10ppm
Temp : 25.6
It seems to me that this is a sign of stress. Why would this suddenly happen and how do i solve this problem. Many thanks
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Post by MatsP »

Hard to say - it's very likely that something is irritating the fish, which is making it dart around.

My first inclination would be to double-check the levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate with your LFS - they should be able to confirm your measurements with their test-kit. Tests do sometimes "go off".

Also, you may want to just do a large water change just in case.

Is this the only fish in the tank, or do you have other fishes in the tank. Are they behaving normally or not?

What are you feeding it with?

How often do you do water changes, how much water do you change, and how big is the tank?

Has anything changed around the time when it started darting about?

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Post by eurospage »

thanx for your reply, the tank holds 155 litre's and i do about a 30% water change each week. There are other fish
2 peppered corys
2 striped raphael catfish
2 spotted " "
1 plec
1 clown plec
4 platys
8 neons
the only thing that has changed is the fast that the platys have been breeding like crazy mut be about 30 babies in the tank. I have just noticed that the plec is just lying there breathing very fast :? Could this be the same thing
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Post by MatsP »

I'd double-check the nitrate and nitrite reading - particularly the latter is known to cause breathing difficulty.

Davy Jones
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Post by Davy Jones »

Update? Maybe aeration is a problem? If ur adding co2 maybe its adding to much.
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Post by eurospage »

hi, i checked the levels again and they are as i first said. I checked another tank which is new and shows some ammonia and nitrite so the test kit is still working. I dont add any more co2 or anything like that. My plec seems to be fine and the cory is just lying in the corner darting now and again. seems to be getting better
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