My Rainbow Shark has just slaughtered 6 of my Tiger Barbs

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My Rainbow Shark has just slaughtered 6 of my Tiger Barbs

Post by arc200uk »

Oh my god.... I had 5 Tiger Barbs in my 125US gallon a few days ago, who live with my Red Eared Slider and Rainbow Shark. They have been in there since June 2005 and were fully grown Tiger Barbs.. I decided to buy 3 more to increase their numbers and my Rainbow Shark has suddenly decided to slaughter every single one of them! He is really angry!

I thought that I didnt see many of them when feeding them this morning and I spotted 3 dead tiger barbs floating on top of the water. 1 had its head ripped off like another one i found the previous terrapin has obviously snacked on them after they have died, hence the decapitated heads. One had a smaller bite to its head.. One was untouched.

I know that it wasnt my terrapin, because he has never hunted the fish and his stomach is always full...he is also old. By his nature, he would only eat a sick fish and no way would he kill 3-4 large and perfectly healthy tiger barbs in one night! He sleeps as soon as his lights are out and is nowhere near as fast enough.

I've noticed that my Rainbow Shark has been acting really aggressive lately and has recently chased the Tiger Barbs whenever they went close to his teritory...This morning, he has just been hanging around the area where my tiger barbs used to stay and he is being really confident! He will usually hide if he sees me, but he has been coming up to the glass, posing for my camera...I thought that it was strange last night when he was behaving the same way.


I am taking the last 2 fish (the 2 survivors are 2 of the 3 that I bought) that have survived back to the pet shop right now. What should I do with the Rainbow Shark? Im affraid that he is going to start attacking my terrapin next.
Posts: 52
Joined: 25 Mar 2006, 20:53
Location 1: United Kingdom

Post by arc200uk »

Returned the rainbow shark to the store aswell! Didnt hang around. I dare to think what tank they will put him in.. He is many times bigger than a young shark! There is one display tank with 2 giant algae eaters in! He needs to live with some Oscar sized fish..
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