Sold as an "Imperial Tiger Plec"

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ulster exile
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Sold as an "Imperial Tiger Plec"

Post by ulster exile »

Hi, I can't remember the L-number that was listed on the label for this guy, but even if it had I probably wouldn't have trusted it I suppose.


Looking through the listings, to me he looks like an L134 or L333, but hubby thinks he's an L199. :roll:

Cheers for your help!
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Post by Yann »


This is Peckoltia sp L134!!
Imperial tiger is one of its trade common names!!
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ulster exile
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Post by ulster exile »

Ah! Thanks very much! :D
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Post by MatsP »

It looks a bit starved. A varied diet with lots of vegatbles and a bit of meaty food - they like Tetra Prima (aka Tetra Colour Bits, Tetra Prima Discus) as dry food goes, as well as Hikari Algae wafers. And courgette goes down really well.

ulster exile
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Post by ulster exile »

Well what a coincidence - I feed tetra prima for my neons/cardinals, there's some greenery food in there right now and I have the hikari wafers for my oto's!

I've had the same comments about his weight elsewhere, but being a plec "virgin" I didn't realise.

Thanks! :D
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