thanks for all the info everyone
its interesting to learn that the rough surface serves its own purpose
yes mine have plenty of driftwood I love the look of driftwood in a tank
hi yes my pots are (regular plain variety that you find in any garden-centre), also
ive only had them a short time and i feed shelled pea, algae wafer, cucumber and zuchini the odd brineshrimp and bloodworm(both frozen) could well float past also. Is this diet lacking?
Hi all
Wondering if the teracotta pots i have in my tank are too rough for a bristlenose (4.5cm) Eg might that cause the redness on my bn sucker?
Hi all, I am new to fish keeping and therefore no familiar with diseases. Trying my best to learn tho.
my 4.5 cm bn male is living in a 50 ltr long tank with 3 platy and 1 betta. tank is cycled, heavily planted, has driftwood and terracotta cubby houses, heater 28 degrees,filtered, gravel sub, and ...