Hi all,
I am new to fish keeping and therefore no familiar with diseases. Trying my best to learn tho.
my 4.5 cm bn male is living in a 50 ltr long tank with 3 platy and 1 betta. tank is cycled, heavily planted, has driftwood and terracotta cubby houses, heater 28 degrees,filtered, gravel sub, and 30 watt light.
I don't know my GH. or KH
Water change frequency 15% once a week with gravel vac
Ammonia zero nitrItres zero, nitrates, 10. ph 7. tank established for 3 months
I feed bn algae wafers( platy eat em too), pea, cucumber and zuccini(sp) and the odd brine shrimp or blooodworm might float his way also
about 3 weeks ago he was attacked by another bn in a different tank and then relacated to this tank. the damage was missing skin at base of body where tail emerges. It is nicely healing now and he is seems active and happy (not clamped up)
yesturday i noticed his sucker was pinky/ red sort of uneven. Is this nomal?
i am assuming not
Could it be heater burn?
could it be bacteria?
could it be a sign of gill flukes?
what do you all think?
gill flukes
the reason why i raise this is that i think another bn died of gill flukes but i was too slow to act to save her. I know that not all meds are safe with cats so i hesitated trying to work out what to use to kill flukes
This tank is 20 ltr long tank with 1 other bn same size, tank is cycled, heavily planted, has driftwood and terracotta cubby houses, heater 28 degrees,filtered, gravel sub, and 8 watt light.
I don't know my GH. or KH
Water change frequency 15% once a week with gravel vac
Ammonia zero nitrItres zero, nitrates, 20. phcannot remember. tank established for 3 months
this bn was (probably female) 3cm, isolated herself, not hanging on the wood anymore, then, gasping at top of well filtered aerated tank waterline, and then spending all her time on substrate barely moving, before shooting up to top for air, and straight back down. There was another female same size in there which i immedately removed when the (now dead) one isolated herself (i thought they might be having a territory/submission issues)
so gill flukes seemed to fit the symptoms
I am still not sure though what is safe on bn to treat with?
Im in oz so limited meds availiable but it seems Fluke tabs which is prazi(Praziquantel?) or para-cide which is trichlorfon
or Sterazin (almot impossible to locate in aust these days)err im not sure what are the key chemicals in this one
anyone have opinions on what is safe out of these two?
Pls keep in mind all cats are young less than 5 cm what do you all think?
ps i got all 6 bn from a local breeder about 6 weeks ago