Search found 13 matches

by Sonia Green
13 Jun 2004, 14:16
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Which Bristlenose?
Replies: 5
Views: 1155

Thanks Silirus, I had a feeling it might have been referring to the sp(3) but wasn't totally sure.

In case anyone is reading this and wondered where I found the name, it was actually the Aquarium for Dummies book by Maddy and Mic Hargrove.
by Sonia Green
13 Jun 2004, 04:37
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Which Bristlenose?
Replies: 5
Views: 1155

Which Bristlenose?

I have come across a scientific name of a Bristlenose Catfish not listed (not that I can tell) in the CatELog. Ancistrus Temmincki. I can tell you it comes from South America.

Which Bristlenose is this?
by Sonia Green
13 Jun 2004, 01:51
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What was your first catfish/What go you into catfish?
Replies: 34
Views: 7935

My first catfish was the two Bumblebees I had which both died recently. I found it to be the tap water which I now know to be contaminated with heavy metals. Needless to say we don't drink from the tap anymore, and are sticking to the creek water (straight from the mountain) for putting in my tank ...
by Sonia Green
12 Jun 2004, 02:15
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: New Additions
Replies: 1
Views: 645

New Additions

Wednesday I added 4 new babies to my little family of Cats. That makes 12 now! :D

2 x Corydoras Panda - Thor & Zorro
2 x Corydoras Paleatus - Pepper & Pepper Jr.
2 x Corydoras Aeneus (Bronze) - Whiskers & Little Whiskas
2 x Corydoras Aeneus (Albino) - Zeus & Zena
2 x Ancistrus sp.(3) - BB & Anci ...
by Sonia Green
12 Jun 2004, 01:53
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Sexing Pandas
Replies: 1
Views: 551

Sexing Pandas

Hi Ian, I have two Pandas in my tank, both are similar except for the following: one has a slightly bigger head, this one also has more black in the dorsal fin and its black bits are slightly darker. Both I would say are the same age as they were bought together and are both the same length.

Do you ...
by Sonia Green
08 Jun 2004, 14:23
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Urgent! What To Do?
Replies: 5
Views: 1132

Thanks for the info. The 16 was celsius, and unfortunately I can't give you a tank temp as there are no thermometers in the cold water tanks, but at a guess I would have to say it was less than 16, because the one time each month I do a complete water change, my fish go in a smaller holding tank and ...
by Sonia Green
08 Jun 2004, 14:01
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Urgent! What To Do?
Replies: 5
Views: 1132

How cold?

Cold as in there are no heaters in the tanks, they are kept just the same as any cold water fish. The water I felt that the Cory's were in the other day, was freezing cold, it was like sticking your hand in side a refrigerator. Also bear in mind that we are in winter here now and the average outdoor ...
by Sonia Green
08 Jun 2004, 07:16
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Urgent! What To Do?
Replies: 5
Views: 1132

Urgent! What To Do?

Hi All, I have discovered a Petshop that is keeping it's catfish (Mainly Cory's) in cold water tanks.
They also keep their CAE's in cold water. What should I do about it? This petshop is in Tasmania Australia. Is there somebody I can report it to? This petshop is ridiculous, because I went in asking ...
by Sonia Green
06 Jun 2004, 07:33
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Chinese Algae Eater gets a bad rap
Replies: 5
Views: 1264

Disregard my last

I made a mistake, the grey one does have a black stripe, but it's only down one side, the other side is completely spotted. Confusion reigns!
by Sonia Green
06 Jun 2004, 00:57
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Chinese Algae Eater gets a bad rap
Replies: 5
Views: 1264

CAE Size

My CAE is approx 2 inches in size. The dwarf is 1 inch and has stopped growing. Can I confirm with someone which is which my larger one is silver with spots, I read somewhere that the chinese or was it siamese had a black stripe down it's side? Mine has no stripe just spots. But either way all fish ...
by Sonia Green
05 Jun 2004, 14:10
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Chinese Algae Eater gets a bad rap
Replies: 5
Views: 1264

Chinese Algae Eater gets a bad rap

Hi everyone, can I just say that I have one Chinese Algae Eater in my community tank with a dwarf golden sucking fish (name unknown, if you know it's proper name please tell me) and 6 Cory's.

This fish has only ever sucked the glass or over the substrate looking for food. He spends a lot of his ...
by Sonia Green
01 Jun 2004, 10:47
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Pregnant Bumblebee
Replies: 2
Views: 1011

Pregnant Bumblebee

Hi, Do you know how long the female holds the eggs for before she spawns? I got a hatchery for them, but they just keep jumping out of it, I will be putting them in a separate tank tomorrow, once I can get a second heater.
by Sonia Green
30 May 2004, 03:32
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Pregnant Bumblebee
Replies: 2
Views: 1011

Pregnant Bumblebee

I have not long had my two Bumblebees, affectionately named Buzzle (F) and BB (M), but the female I am guessing is now pregnant, she has doubled her size in a week, and eats no more than the male. Does anyone have information on the breeding of these fish and how to keep them during pregnancy. I am ...

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