Pangasius Problem.

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Pangasius Problem.

Post by Paladindjinn »

As stated in my previous topic, i have an Iridescent who electricuted himself after breaking a heater.

Well he has been lieng on his right side for the past two days.

His fins are starting to turn red, and i believe their rotting.

What should i do?
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Post by Silurus »

Euthanize the fish. There's nothing you can do.
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Post by Paladindjinn »

I know you keep telling me to mercy kill him, but i havn't had a chance and he appears to be getting better, swimming better, but still on his side, sometimes.

But what would be a good treatment for fin rot, and also my pleco was eating some of his side, it doesn't appear to be major damage, but he is discolored, what could i do for that.

I know, euthanize him, but as for now, i physicaly can't, for i'm stuck in 3 feet of snow, the most i could do is grab medication and hope for the best.
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Post by sidguppy »

then you DO have all the things to euthanize it in a very humane way.

I'll take it you have a bucket with a lid?
-fill the bucket with water from the tank
-put the fish in and the lid on
-put that bucket out in the snow

your fish will fall "asleep" (it gets torpid, being a coldblooded critter from a tropical climate), and once the Pangasius gets below it's minumum temperature (wich is well above the feeezing point of water) it succumbs in it's sleep.....

quite a painless way of putting a fish down.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

Immersing the fish in soda water is a quick method in an emergency. The CO2 acts like an overdose of anaesthetic.
(Daily Mash headline)
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