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2 new 20 gals: Stocking Suggestions Needed

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 22:25
by vulkoq
I'm looking for some suggestions:
I have two new 20 gals. One I found in the trash; it's been up for a month with giant danios. The other I got for $5 after the LFS refurbished its fish room. They'll be side by side under an 80 watt of flourescent shop light (40 watts per tank= 2 wpg,) well planted with some flourite (a sharp clay gravel) in the substrate. I like driftwood and natural rock for decor; the tanks will have good hiding places. Each will have an Aquaclear 200 HOB for filtration.
My water is PH 7.8 and quite hard out of the tap. I don't mess with it chemically except to remove chlorine.

So here's the thing: I think I'm going to put some very small , reasonably peaceful Tanganyika cichlids in one tank, preferably with a catfish that won't eat any fry they create. What's a good option? If nothing works, I don't need a cat in with them.

The other tank I might like to focus on cats. I might end up giving the danios up after establishing the tank, so you can assume no tank mates to start. What's a nice-looking, behaviorally interesting cat that's small enough, will be happy with the water parameters, and will be somewhat active under those lights? It seems like cories are out because of the flourite.
If I could still keep the danios with them that would be a bonus.