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Catfish with large cichlids

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 01:21
by Heyguy74
Is there any catfish that would be ok with big cichlids? I dont want anything that will get too big but big enough to be ok with them. I just found out I have an Asian Red Tail Cat. He's about 15 inches but I understand he'll need his own tank. I have Raphael Cats with my smaller cichlids ( Jack Dempsey and Firemouths).

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 02:33
by Shane
It would be much easier to help if you gave us an idea of what large cichlids you have in mind.

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 09:48
by Marc van Arc
Pls beware of the Dempsey(-s) in combination with (even!) Raphaels. He/They may not physically harm them, but is/are able to harrass them to their ultimate stress level, and beyond...

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 10:36
by sidguppy

best not mix Doradids or large Callichthyds with Central American cichlids!!!

you wouldn't believe the numbers of dead, dying and mutilated cats I've seen in Central American (or worse; Malawian!) cichlid-tanks!
esp the two groups mentioned above are bad combo's.
for some reason people seem to think that "all that heavy armourplating" makes it a cichlid-resistant catfish.

wrong! they're very docile, slow and often nocturnal; and need to rest in a cave during the day. cichlids make territories out of caves; and are active, agile and agressive during the day.....

There are three groups that do fairly well with medium/small Central Americans:
-medium sized Synodontis with attitude (this rules out fish like decorus or pleurops!), like angelicus, obesus, nigromaculatus, schoutedeni, schall, nigrita, eupterus etc
-the more assertive and fastmoving pims/hepapterids: Rhamdia, certain Pimelodus species etc.
-Pleco's; the spinyer, the better! Ancistrus is fine (attitude too), Gibby's do well in big tanks where they can "move out of the way", Pseudacanthicus (Cactus plec) etc

the truly big or agressive Central Americans shouldn't be combined with catfish (like Parachromis, salvini etc); it always leads to disaster unless you have 3-4 meter tanks, like some of my cichlid-keeping collegues. Their tanks are in the 100-2800L range (250-700G and more)

Posted: 17 Jan 2005, 15:39
by Heyguy74
The Dempsey's are a temp thing w/ the raphaels. Im resealing a 90 gallon tank for them. They have plenty of hiding spots. I was looking for a catfish that would be ok w/ an oscar and flowerhorn. I have a common pleco that w/ them now and they ignore him completly. Problem is they are such messy eaters. If theres no catfish suitable then I won't get one. Thanks for the info.