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Royal Pleco

Posted: 15 Jan 2005, 06:43
by Black Ghost
I have a 4-5 inch royal pleco....he is growing much faster than I hoped

i want to know if it is a good move to put it in a 130 gallons cichlids tank with a 10 inch sailfin pleco, 13 inch vieja synspilum and cichlasoma managuense, leporinus affinis, red terror...etc. ?

Posted: 15 Jan 2005, 22:16
by mitch
That should be ok, i used to have one at 4" with a 12" gibby, 10" synsplium, 2 11" jags, blach belt 12" and 2 large midas.

Make sure he has somewhere to hide. I used to lean slate and some bog wood against the front of the tank for him to hide so i was still being able to see him myself.

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 03:09
by Black Ghost
Thanks mitch :D

I did the same trick in the front of an aquarium with a little queen arabesque :wink:

Posted: 16 Jan 2005, 04:35
by polkadot
No problem if you want to mix them, just provide adequate hiding space using driftwoods.