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Suggestions for Tankmates for Pleco Tanks

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 05:21
by mokmu
I need suggestions for tank mates for my pl*co tanks preferably fish that remain on the upper areas of the tanks. So far one of my tanks has some neon, flame and glowlight tetras plus some feeder fish left behind from my older pim tanks. I need other South American fish for the rest of the tanks. Hopefully, nobody suggestes any fin nippers. Other tetras and probably cichlids will do as long as they are natural tanks mates also from South America. Thanks.

Oops! I think this post was supposed to be in the speak easy section(?).

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 09:11
by plecoman
I am keeping 2 young pairs of discus, 5 large bleeding heart tetras, 7-8 rummy nose and 10 Cardinal tetras with mine... I also keep about 15 corys and 2 doradid with my plecs. They live very well together and never attack eachother (only amongst themselves if ever)

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 16:07
by smilingSyno
I have a 37 gallon with very fine sand and a couple of flower pots
cut in half.... Only plants is a big blob of java moss.
Tank is full of cory cats so I got a dozen lemon tetras to fill the mid
and upper portion of the tank...
Lemons are nice to have in that they are very interactive with
each other.... the males behavior really stand out.... and in the
mornings they are fun to watch dodging in and out of the moss.
No regrets gettting them. In my 55g I have a dozen blood fins....
they are ok, but for the cory tank... I like the lemons better.

Posted: 15 Mar 2003, 04:56
by mokmu
Okay. Thanks for the answers. I see that tetras are fine. How about Angel fish then? They are also South American fish, right? Will Angels co-exist happily with pl*cs? I have heard that Angels get pretty aggressive and are fin-nippers? Also, can Angel fish take some current? All my tanks have a reasonable amount of current.

I have also read somewhere that Angelfish pick on tetras. Can I combine angelfish, tetras and pl*cs together in a tank? Thanks for any reply.

Posted: 17 Mar 2003, 15:50
by Bathos
i've heard from several people that their angels ate their neons, so i wouldn't put the two together. it was my impression that angels aren't all that agressive unless they're breeding. that would still be a problem if the angels suddenly decided it was spawning time and tried to clear the tank...


Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 03:07
by Cartman
My vote is for pencils and hatchetfish.

Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 04:02
by mokmu
Thanks guys for the reply. I shall look into them. I have to admit I haven't seen a hatchet here in ages. Probably since I was in grade school (now that is a long time ago). Maybe I just haven't really checked properly. I shall keep an eye out for them. Thanks again.