I have 5 pandas that I bought a week ago in a 10 gallon quarantine tank. The black markings on one of them are very faint (sorry no pictures). At first I thought he was stressed and frightened with new surroundings (the girl who caught them at the petstore didn't help either - actually dropped one on the floor, but not sure which one). He isn't any less active than the other pandas, but I usually see him swimming on his own away from the group. He is the only one who has exhibited this so far.
Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are all zero, temp is around 74-76, and I have soft water. I have a sponge filter with carbon and an external filter with Seachem's Purigen (had a problem with cloudy water and algae and that cleared it up in a day). I'm getting ready to do a water change - I usually do around 20% once a week.
Should I be worried about him? Let me know what you guys think...Thanks!