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The Definitive Work On E-cats Is Out!

Posted: 27 Feb 2003, 19:36
by Silurus
Excuse the hollering, but I can barely contain my joy.

I was at the library earlier just now, researching Southeast Asian paleogeography for a manuscript, when on a whim, I decided to look at some of the newer journal acquisitions.

Got me a nice paper on the freshwater fishes of Rwanda (an annotataed checklist), BUT...

Stumbled on Steve Norris' revision of <i>Malapterurus</i> (yes, it's finally out!). Fourteen new species are described, including three in a new genus of miniature electric catfishes, <i>Paradoxoglanis</i> (adults mature at 6 cm and they do not reach beyond 14 cm). However it was noted that the electric shocks they give are just as powerful as those of <i>Malapterurus</i>.

I had to rush back and share the good news. I am getting my hands on a copy of the book, by hook or by crook.

And you know what, the strange (?) thing is that none of Tyson's newly-described species are mentioned.

Here's the complete reference:

Norris, S. M., 2002. A revision of the African electric catfishes, family Malapteruridae (Teleostei, Siluriformes), with erection of fourteen new species, and an annotated bibliography. Annales du Musee royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Sciences Zoologiques, 289: 1-155.

Posted: 27 Feb 2003, 20:25
by Dinyar
That IS good news. I share your excitement, Heok Hee! In fact, I'm so excited, I'll even use a s****y :D!

Just hope that Norris' species are recognized over Roberts'. How do you see that playing out? Is it strictly "priority", or can other factors also be considered ("for being mean, go straight to jail. don't pass go, don't collect £200")?

[In case some of you are wondering what this thread is all about, we're continuing a conversation that began on the Catfish List in October 2002, before this Forum was established. Tyson Roberts tried to scoop Steve Norris on a revision of the family Malapteruridae. When Roberts learned Norris was soon to publish his results, Roberts hastily rushed to print with some incomplete old research of his own, but many ichthyologists cried foul.)

You say this is a book?! Drag. Would have been easier to get my hands on a copy if it were an article!

Apart from getting my hands on the book, the other thing I want to do even more desperately is get my hands on a Paradoxo. Let's see, what do I want more? A Euchilele or a Paradoxo? I think I want BOTH! OK, ANOTHER s%&$*y :?!


Posted: 27 Feb 2003, 21:08
by Silurus
From my very cursory examination of the pictures, it seems that all <i>Paradoxoglanis</i> have hardly any black spots on the body and somewhat depressed heads.
If you have an e-cat that looks like that, chances are that it may be <i>Paradoxoglanis</i>.

Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 21:13
by Silurus
I just received my copy of the electric catfish revision from Steve Norris today, and here are the initial results of my comparison with the Roberts paper:
<i>M. stiassnyae</i> Norris=<i>M. leonensis</i> Roberts
<i>M. thysi</i> Norris=<i>M. cavalliensis</i> Roberts
<i>M. zambezensis</i> Norris=<i>M. shirensis</i> Roberts
<i>M. gossei</i> Norris=<i>M. monsembeensis</i> Roberts (?)
There is no mention of Lake Tanganyika material in Norris' revision, so <i>M. tanganyikaensis</i> Roberts has no equivalent name in the Norris revision.
I also could not find an equivalent for <i>M. tanosensis</i> Roberts. The species from the Tano River described by Norris, <i> M. murrayi</i>, does not appear to be the same.