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Need help choosing cories.

Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 02:09
by munchie
Hi all. I'm cycling a 37 gallon which will house 2 angels. The pH is 7.8 - 8.0. I want to get 4 cories, but I know they get big, so I want to get a smaller variety. I know nothing (I mean it) about cory's, but from what I've read they're really cool to have a small school.

So, I have a few questions: First, can you give me an idea of what kind to look for, and if it's something that's easily found in your basic PetSmart or PetWorld lfs?
Secondly, do they eat snails? I was thinking of getting a couple of apple snails, but don't want them to be food.
Thirdly, will they do ok in that pH?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 03:21
by corybreed
Any of the Cory species would do fine in a 37 gallon tank. I don't know what you consider big but most Corys are less than 2.5 inches in length. A group of 6 aeneus would be a good start. You will not have a problem keeping apple snails with the Corys.


Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 11:19
by Allan
Just want to point out one thing: No sharp edges on the gravel. Use sand or rounded gravel for substrate.

I do think that a pH of 8 is just a tiny bit to high. In my opinion also for the angelfish (P. scalare, right?) - I would bring it down a little. Maybe with black-peat.

Good luck

Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 15:59
by sirbooks
What the others said is correct. Cories stay small, (around 2 and a half inches), will not eat snails, and any variety will do fine in your tank. The pH is kinda high, but they can be sucessfully kept, regardless. The species that I have seen the most of in chain stores are C. aeneus and C. leucomelas. Cories are peaceful critters, and make great angelfish companions.

One thing that should be clarified though, is that cories are best kept in groups of at least six. The more there are, the happier and less stressed they will be. I recommend at least six for your tank, depending on what else will be in there.