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Banjo Cat Size

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 23:14
by vipervenom
I know it says under the species profile of this stie, however, what size to Banjo cats reach and are they suitable for a community containing smaller fishes such as Cardinal tetras and guppy's?

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 23:33
by Silurus
Mine is approaching 5", so the info here would be right on. They are great community fish, and I've never seen mine try to eat smaller tetras that were in the tank.

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 02:01
by vipervenom
Thanks for the reply!

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 04:07
by PlecoCrazy
I have kept banjo's for about 10 years and agree, haven't seen them ever go after anything except a shrimp pellet or krill. (and that is with it motionless on the ground)

Posted: 05 Dec 2004, 21:06
by Yann

Depending of what species you are talking about.

I have and he isn't bigger than 4''/10cm

I used to have Bunocephalus knerii and he was the same size (4''/10cm)

Never really witness any predatory problem with my verrucosus, but witness some with the knerii


Posted: 06 Dec 2004, 20:04
by vipervenom
Thank you again for a quick and informative replies. But let's sayt hey were predatory, are they even fast neough to catch a guppy per say?

Posted: 06 Dec 2004, 20:08
by Silurus
They would be ambush predators and not require any speed.

Posted: 06 Dec 2004, 20:47
by vipervenom
Okay, just asking this question again, do you guys think it would be suitable for a cummunity tank? Thanks again! :)

Posted: 06 Dec 2004, 21:58
by Yann

it is suitable if the fish are big enough (tankmates), but to be kept with Guppy, the males and juvenil might end up in the stomach of the Bunocepahlus...


Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 02:08
by vipervenom
Lol, thanks. I think I'll chance it. It's a big tank (28 gal) and guppies don't cost a whole lot. I highly doubt Cardinals would get caught by the cat. I actually just got back from the LFS with an inch & a 1/2 sized Banjo cat. Thanks for the help! Will have pics fairly soon.

Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 02:20
by Birger
Just watch that the other fish you keep with it do not pick at the banjo's, even guppies, they pick at the barbels and at the skin especially if they have just been transfered from another tank as they can look like they are molting(not sure of the proper term for this) and the other fish will pick at this, the banjo's most often will not swim away unless they are really irritated.I just recently had to take guppies out of a tank as they would not leave the banjo's alone.


Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 03:09
by vipervenom
Thanks for the heads up. If this becomes a problem I will address it accordingly. However, the substrate of this tank is sand and the banjo will bury if even touched (my spiny eel was sniffing the Banjo and it buried itself) also there are many caves/hiding spots throughout the tank.