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Panda Corys

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 00:01
by ja8319

I have a 20 gallon tank which has been set up for just under a year. I recently had 2 Panda Corys die for no reason. I tested the water for Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, kH and GH but it was perfect!! We even took samples of tissue and looked in a microscope for parasites, etc but found nothing. Has anyone else ever had a similar problem?

Thank You!!

1. Water parameters
a) Temerature range: 78 - 80 F
b) pH - 7.4
c) GH } 8-9
d) KH } 4
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, levels - 0ppm
f) Water change frequency - once weekly

2. Tank set up
a) Size - 20 gallons
b) Substrate - ecocomplete
c) Filtration - eheim eco
d) Furnishings - various live plants (sunset hydra, swords, etc.),a rock cave, JBJ single strip power compact lighting
e) Tank mates - siamensis, 6 neon tetras, 4 precox rainbows, 4 amano shrimp
f) How long has it been set-up? - 10 months (previously a 10 gallon)

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:43
by VasilC
Sorry about your loss.
However I can see a problem right away - looks like you "cooked" your pandas in 78-80F.
Panda cories come from the mountainous regions of Peru and prefer a temperature of about 65-70F - essencially a cold water type of a set up. If you keep them in anything above
73-75F for a period of time they are literally getting "cooked" and eventually fade away.
Hope this helps.

Cory Temp

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 04:15
by ja8319
The temperature is acutally not that high, I double checked it today. I have the heater set at 76/77 F which according to the last post is still a bit high but I have also read else where that they don't mind a warmer temperature.

The one panda I have left is doing fine, I plan to watch him closely and see what happens. I hope that it was just a fluke thing and will be getting him some buddies to school with soon.


Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 18:32
by jurassic_pork
Did you notice the fish scratching on gravel and ornaments ?
This to me would have suggested flukes.Temp is still a little high i recon.

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 07:28
by Kasper

Corydoras panda can cope 80F without any problems. I've often seen it with discus at even higher temps. Mine have spawned at temps around 78F, so I don't think it's the temperature that causes your problems...


Panda Corys

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 04:15
by ja8319
jurassic_pork wrote:Did you notice the fish scratching on gravel and ornaments ?
This to me would have suggested flukes.Temp is still a little high i recon.
No I didn't notice any crazy or odd behavior. This is really odd.

Posted: 28 Nov 2004, 23:08
by sirbooks
The cories *might* have died of stress, to throw something out there. Cories fare best when they are kept in groups of six or more, and they are far less stressed than when there are only three cories. Had you done anything to your tank recently, or added any new fish? Were any of your other fish sick? Did the cories seem lethargic? Any sign of breathing problems? Hopefully an answer to one of these questions will provide us with a lead.
Oh yeah, do you know how old they were? Maybe it was just old age.

In the meantime, I suggest adding more pandas, if you feel that they will survive. The lone cory is probably pretty lonely.