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2 new Synos...schoutedeni?
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 11:58
by Caol_ila
I got these two guys today...they were trade ins with the returning person and shop people not knowing what they could be...
My guess is S.schoutedeni but i was a little confused by the eyes and the very spotty pattern.
They are a little over 10 cm long ... nknown.JPG
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 12:11
by Silurus
The eyes are a coppery color and the head is unusually flat.
You know what I'm getting at here...
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 12:12
by Mika
My S.schoutedeni used to be more rounded on the belly side- beacuse the ate like pigs!This species comes with very variable markings. I`ve seen wild caught and captive bred imported from russia.These look like 80% schoutedeni to me, but more pictures could help.
the head is unusually flat.
I noticed this too, so....bastard?
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 12:24
by Caol_ila
Ill try to make some better pics.
They are very skinny for Synos and the shopguy told me that the sicklids that were also turned in were in an awfull condition, totally underfed.
Im really confused looking at the elog cauz theres no pic similar to these fish....:/
Btw when i go to the elog it shows me "date updated" and not family when i click that...
edit: Forgot that they are supposed to be a couple of years old...
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 13:50
by Caol_ila
...i noticed that the eyes have sunk in and they try to jump from the tank constantly...never whitnessed anything like this. Changed water twice now with used water but no change...?? ... known2.JPG ... known3.JPG
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 16:01
by Mika
To my opinion this is not S.schoutedeni.
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 16:13
by Caol_ila
Isnt that anoying that you cant even go to a shop anymore and buy what looks nice?
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 16:19
by sidguppy
you're absolutely right about that, mate....
These aren't schoutedeni, I think; they have too many spots; a true schoutedeni hasn't got many spots, if any; it's all wriggly lines.
And like said; schoutedeni are fairly plump as syno's go; especially well-fed specimen. next to that, they often spot quite a bit of yellow or even orange between the lines, with a more white belly; in all, more contrast.
this looks like nigritaxschoutedeni to me.
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 16:21
by Caol_ila
this looks like nigritaxschoutedeni to me.
Which wouldnt explain the coppery eyes...would it?
Is there any natural species that looks at least a bit like these? *trying to grab a straw*
Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 17:27
by Caol_ila
Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 02:23
by Zebby
I think where you live you are going to find these hybrids a lot.
I have many hybrid syno's and dont like the fact they have been created but there alive and I love them..

Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 08:21
by Mika
Could it be Synodontis greshoffi? Tail marks are little different.Humeral process seems like the same. ... /543_3.php
Is there any natural species that looks at least a bit like these? *trying to grab a straw*
Hopefully this is the straw

Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 15:50
by Caol_ila
Still holding on to that straw...
Somebody sent me this pic from Mergus 6
Any opinions?
Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 17:39
by sidguppy
that DOES look a lot like your fish!
maybe you're still lucky.
apart from the exterior; does the size match? your fish look pretty big. greshoffi a big or small species?
Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 18:31
by Mika
In Mergus 6 were many of these Synodontis which were first time imported to Moskow.Couple of them were hybrids 100%- like Synodontis helenae named species.Makes me wonder.Does someone else have that book besides me?
Posted: 26 Oct 2004, 21:11
by Caol_ila
Does this mean that this greshoffi from the elog is also a hybrid? ... offi/4.jpg
Posted: 27 Oct 2004, 15:36
by Dinyar
I didn't respond to this post, Christian, because I don't really have much to add!
If pressed to state my view, I would have to say that to me, it doesn't look like S. schoutedeni, but I don't know what it is. IMO, it could be a hybrid, but not necessarily.
Posted: 27 Oct 2004, 21:09
by corybreed
I have been trying to ID this fish with no luck. It does not look like S. greshoffi to me.
Posted: 27 Oct 2004, 21:16
by Caol_ila
I got an opinion by Erwin and he thinks it could very well be greshoffi. But he also says that Mergus 5 shows a different fish than the real greshoffi. its really hard to say if nobody has seen a real greshoffi except Mr.Poll and some Russians who first imported them...
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 03:31
by Silurus
Here is the holotype of
S. greshoffi:
After giving the matter a bit of thought, I think you most likely have
S. greshoffi. The color pattern is a little off, but everything else is a pretty good match.
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 11:03
by sidguppy
yeah, the long head, the bulging eye; it matches.
Good one on you! at least now you have a rare syno instead of a 'lab created monster'.....
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 13:14
by Caol_ila
Good one on you!
Yeah and you cant believe of how happy im about it most likely notbeing a hybrid!
Only sad thig that its two males...and it doesnt look like ill be able to find a female for them soon :/
Posted: 29 Oct 2004, 17:31
by Caol_ila