Just wondering if anyone can give me ideals on raising newly born fry from the gold ancistrus.
I moved the male and his fry that were born in an air filter tube to a 20 gallon so he could raise them. I have plenty of rocks and only a single sponge filter working in there right now.
My question(s) are the following,
1) I have fry powder food right now to feed them, they are approx. 1/8 inch long. What other types of food can I feed them?
2) any precautions to these guys while they are fry?
3) They are with the male right now, I dont think he will eat them, anything I should know?
I guess my main concern is make sure they eat and survive, any help would be apprecitated.
Also, Can I put any females in the same tank with the male and fry?
Questions on raising the Pleco Fry...
Questions on raising the Pleco Fry...
Ask all you can, you may not get another chance.
The fry are big enough to eat zuccini?
Didn't know that, thats why I was feeding them the powder and the crushed flakes.
I put a slice of zuccini, but it had been a frozen slice so it disolved...throw some more hints this way..thanks.
Didn't know that, thats why I was feeding them the powder and the crushed flakes.
I put a slice of zuccini, but it had been a frozen slice so it disolved...throw some more hints this way..thanks.
Ask all you can, you may not get another chance.