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jaguar catfish
Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 19:33
by lukeant
would these be alright with dicus and also would they eat small tetras e.g cardinals and larger tetras bleeding hearts
Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 19:42
by Silurus
They will definitely eat the cardinals. Maybe the bleeding hearts as well.
Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 19:49
by Caol_ila
Very interestingly mine dont touch small fish.
They were together with baby Haplochromis sp. for the purpose to eat them but they didnt...
12 cm Jaguar that is. the second one is around 8 cm.
Posted: 14 Oct 2004, 15:14
by Fishedin
Ditto - kept two with a shoal of twelve cardinals for a couple of years.
Common sense would advise against though!
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 12:26
by Perky
Try it and find out seems the only way to find out the answer for you
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 20:45
by Jools
Most discus tanks are tall and the feeding regime tends to supply plenty of rich food for the Jaguars so I think the cardinals will be safe. While jags come out at night and cruise for food they (unlike Doradids) do this along surfaces and not in midwater generally. Also, they only tend to do this often if hungry, as I said, this is unlikely to be the norm if your discus are well fed.
I've had more trouble with discus eating cardinals to be honest. Maybe they were red sox discus.
Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 20:54
by Silurus
(unlike Doradids)
Jaguar cats are auchenipterids. Comapring them to doradids is like comparing apples and oranges (actually, given the relationships between auchenipterids and doradids, that's more like comparing apples and pears).
Posted: 29 Oct 2004, 13:30
by Jools
Silurus wrote:Jaguar cats are auchenipterids. Comapring them to doradids is like comparing apples and oranges (actually, given the relationships between auchenipterids and doradids, that's more like comparing apples and pears).
Of course they are, that's why I didn't say "unlike other doradids", albiet their (even fairly recent) scientific history has mixed them in with Doradids.
Anyway, the point I was making was to highlight another, non-taxononic, difference potentially in relation to nocturunal eating habits.
Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 21:31
by MonkeeFish
Srry to butt in but Discus prefer LONG tank rather than TALL Tank. They like the long tank because of the swimming distance rather than swimming up and down.
Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 22:24
by Jools
MonkeeFish wrote:Srry to butt in but Discus prefer LONG tank rather than TALL Tank. They like the long tank because of the swimming distance rather than swimming up and down.
Sure, but then all fish do?!? We're talking about a 15" high tank and discus aren't happy in that.
Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 03:24
by MonkeeFish
ah nvm i get wut u meant by "most discus tank are tall" now. srry got a little confused there when i read it the first time.