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Synodontis ocellifer has spoken!!

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 16:56
by worton[pl]
today morning my uaru attacked my big syno ocellifer and it has spoken, it emetided shot parrot's like noice it takes about 5 seconds!! yeah and I have my nose near to glass and I saw this all, my biggest uaru catch my syno for mouth and syno spoken" let out my mouth grrrrr cause I cannot breath" and it takes anout 5 seconds!! it was great :d and reallly it has done it :D

Posted: 14 Oct 2004, 17:13
by worton[pl]
ok I was reading a little about making noices by synos and I found an article which says that they are able to make noice by something called "Weber's apparatus" (dont know how it can be in eanglish :() and sound made in this Weber's thing is harden by float (swimming blister - also dont know exactly how to write it in eanglish :]). So I got a question, how this could really work? :]

Re: Synodontis ocellifer has spoken!!

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 21:35
by troi
worton[pl] wrote:today morning my uaru attacked my big syno ocellifer and it has spoken,... it was great :d and reallly it has done it :D
Is the syno OK?

My synos often speak. When I do a big water change, the biggest of the S. decorus complains about conditions for maybe a half an hour, on and off. She sounds like an owl or creaky filter part. For a while I thought it was an AquaClear malfunction I was hearing. When I realized it was my fish, I cut back the size of the water change a bit.

All of my Synos "bawl me out" when I take them out of the water and hold them, sometimes also when I net them. Sure is a noisey tank, even the loaches talk. I think the plec is voiceless (or very unflappable).


Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 22:40
by worton[pl]
hehe yeah syno is ok, they cannot harm him :), mine other synos are not talkative :( maybe it's because they are very small :)

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 23:01
by troi
worton[pl] wrote: mine other synos are not talkative :( maybe it's because they are very small :)
Give them something to talk about, they'll probably have something to say. If they are very young, maybe you have to wait till they are "teenagers."

My nigriventris used to talk when disturbed too much.


Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 09:47
by worton[pl]
:D good idea :D I will think smt. out :]


Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 20:46
by daddyo72
Is this a joke?

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 10:35
by worton[pl]
eek :] from my side everything was true :P and I think that Troi wasn't joking also :].

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 12:14
by Caol_ila
With two recently bought Synos in quarantine you could hear sounds from the bigger fish a lot. The nigriventris always tried to follow the schall like fish and he "told" him to stay away. Tried to film it but they didnt like me watching...

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 14:25
by Sponske
If i get it right, synos will only make a noise when they are "unhappy" or this right?
So if this is right, i'm glad that i've never heard my syno "speak" he's happy.

I might be wrong (but i don't think so) but i don't think you should try to make them "speak" on purpose...
Do you like to cry?? i can make you if you want to.... :D

please correct me if i'm wrong....

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 14:29
by Rusty

Scroll down a bit and he has links to recordings of different catfish stridulating.


Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 15:09
by Sponske
nice link ... but because of my limited knowledge of the english language a few questions remain.

so they make the sound by moving there pectoral spines.
it took me a while to find out what "pectoral" means.... :lol:

But for what reason do they make it?? .... fear, agression??

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 15:24
by Silurus
Catfishes stridulate for a variety of reasons. It's mostly a defensive response, but has been recorded in interactions between conspecifics (e.g. during breeding).

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 19:13
by worton[pl]
well my small hybrids dont want to talk :], s. eupterus also is silent :] and only nigrita say something about food :P.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 09:20
by toddnbecka
I had a good-sized (9-10") ornate bicher (Polypetrus ornatipinnis) 8) in my 55 several years ago, and put several juvenile S. eupterus in the same tank, they were about 1.5-2" fish, thinking that they would be safe enough with their spines. The bicher ate them, :P and whenever it had one in it's mouth, the poor little catfish would squeak continuously, like it was calling for help. :shock: I frightened the bicher into releasing the cats whenever I heard them squeaking, :x but eventually they all disappeared. :cry:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 15:29
by worton[pl]
sounds like they really speak only when they feel "uncomfortable".

Posted: 25 Dec 2004, 03:21
by finster
with upsidedown catfish being relatively small, would i still be able to hear them? I've never heard a sound from my euruptus and i've had him 3 years.