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Corydoras lamberti?

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 02:46
by Algaedarling

This little Cory came in as a contaminate in a shipment of C. trilineatus at my LFS. He was so cute I couldn't pass him up. Do I have him IDed correctly as C. lamberti? Thanks in advance for all your help!


Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 02:57
by Graeme
Looks similar to a Corydoras leucomelas to me.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 13:12
by Coryman
I think your fish is a juvenile of either C. agassizi,, C. ambiacus or even C. robustus. These three species go through a wide range of colour patterns before they reach their full adult pattern, I would guess that your fish has a body length of around 35 mm, which would mean that it is only just over half grown.

This is a C. lamberti juvenile


Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 16:51
by Algaedarling
Thanks Ian!
It definately does not look like the juvenille C. lamberti. I'll look at the three you mentioned and if all else fails, I'll wail until he get's a little bit older and then I'll post again with a new picture.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 18:49
by Coryman
Taking a closer look at the dorsal markings on your fish I think it will turn out to be the biggest of the three I mentioned, C. robustus.

The fish in the picture is a male and has a body length of 95 mm.


Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 05:16
by Algaedarling
Wow! That is a pattern change. The dorsal coloration is the closest of the three species you mentioned though. I'll keep you updated. When it gets older, I'll post again. If I know what it is then, I'll post under the South American/Corydoras section. If I don't, I'll post under the ID section. Thanks again!