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Jumping Plecos

Posted: 04 Jan 2003, 23:13
by Easy
Been reading and hearing frequent accounts of L177s jumping out of the does this jumping ability apply for all plecos or only a selected few?

Am thinking of putting some plecos in a I guess I need all the information I could get.

Posted: 05 Jan 2003, 01:00
by Barbie
All plecos have the ability to jump. I've rarely had one hit the floor unless it was in a new tank and wasn't familiar with its surroundings though.


Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 08:03
by coryfav
I found my L262 on the floor one morning, recently. It's still breathing but its body was already quite stiff. I put it into the hospital tank but it died that evening. :(

It's been with me for a few months, so I figured that it probably jumped out while being chased by one of the other plecos...

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 08:55
by S. Allen
Yes, plecos do seem to have more of a tendency to leave the tank than most other fish. I've lost a regular gold nugget to it, and had a scarlet pleco leave the tank, if she hadn't been a big loud girl she'd have been dead too, but made enough noise I heard it from the other room and returned her to the tank.

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 11:25
by Yann

Well when newly introduce in a tank they do take time to explore the whole house, sometimes they seem to be interested into going out to see what is behind that glass...

I lost a beautiful full grown mature male L260 because of a small openeing in the quarantine tank... since I don't leave my tank open if the water level is really close to the top.

During the summer, when it get really hot and for cooling the tank T° down I open the top, I don't worry much about them jumping since the water level is 15-20 cm lower...


jumping plecs

Posted: 14 Sep 2003, 22:41
by magnum4
I very nearly lost a as yet undiscribed species one summer when the covers were off the tank. The plec was not new to the tank and the other fish are not big enough to be a threat but a 8" plec managed at least a 6" leap. That was back when i didn't think plecs could jump.

Posted: 16 Sep 2003, 03:59
by Plec0maniac
I lost an 12inch scarlet bec it jumped out of its tank.. But so far I have never seen a pleco jumped out of a pond.. :)