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Oto sucking on African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon Buccholzi)

Posted: 29 Sep 2004, 00:25
by thegirlundertherainbow
and I was afraid the otos might linger near the surface too long and become dinner..
poor ABF female..
little things are like leeches

oto sucking...

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 20:53
by Amanda_Allyammi
um yeah... you might want to separate the oto, because those things will eat the slime of whatever fish they are housed with, and eventually, both will die.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 22:24
by mummymonkey
Saw one on the side of a Discus in a store just the other day. I don't know if they were snacking or just along for the ride. Either way, the Discus didn't seem to mind at all.


Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:32
by thegirlundertherainbow
haven't seen it doing it anymore..I'll just keep watching

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 06:17
by Yann

I have kept Oto with Cichlids as well and never witness such thing...
THey are possibly missing something in their diet!!?

What do you feed them?

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 22:30
by jurassic_pork
Same here i have kept upto 11 oto's with cichlids and never witnessed this......

I've kept them before

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 01:11
by thegirlundertherainbow
with other types of fish..among them African Butterfly Fish and Bristlenose plecos..and not had it happen. I'd think Cichlids would be too aggressive to allow it..
My ottos, as well as the rest of my fish , get the following(and there are various types of algae growing in both tanks)

Cichlid Chow
Emerald Entree
Spirulina ennriched brine shrimp
Formula I Omnivore

Brine Shrimp

Nutrafin Max color enhancing flake

Nutrafin Max Sinking Complete Food Tablets
Hikari Algae Wafers

And occasional veggies..

and it's not all the otos doing it..just one or two in different tanks..that I've seen.
Possibly they learned it when starved at pet store?just got a taste for slimecoat..who far, they aren't posing a major threat tho..


Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 01:12
by thegirlundertherainbow
why does it censor C i c h l i d s?

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 01:54
by Dave Rinaldo


Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 07:49
by thegirlundertherainbow
how funny..that and the sensoring of plecos.
lmao :lol:

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 14:48
by Mike_Noren
Regarding otos attacking/killing fish, I think it's a response to starvation.
Also it might be particular to some species, or some specimens - I'm convinced my "O. macrospilus" attacked and killed lots of fish for me, whereas my O. vittatus and O. flexilis never have. On the other hand, I've made sure they never starved, like the macrospilus did (I, then, thought they would be able to compete with siamese algae eaters for leftover food & algae pellets. They can't.).

I wrote about it here, also some links: ... ght=attack

Personally I'd remove or destroy any otocinclus which was known to attack fish. I doubt they'll stop, even if nutrition is improved. Certainly my didn't.


Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 02:34
by thegirlundertherainbow
I see it either tank..I will remove it..
but as is, there are 13 in the big tank..and I haven't seen them doing it lately..
and 5 in the 20 gal..and haven't seen it doing it since..

Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 14:01
by T
I have had it happen with my ottos, they would do it to one particular clown loach I was looking after for a friend.Now the clowns are gone they no longer do this, they didnt seem hungry either as they get a varied diet and were always nice and fat.